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Franchise. For kids. Child Center. Segezha

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firstAn initial fee: 30000 $
moneyInvestment required: 3000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 4 %
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Child Center, Child development, Children's development center, Children's development center with new methods
Description of the franchise by the franchisor: 2 reasons to open your own children's entertainment club: - it is not customary to save on children, - in our country there is still a shortage of centers that organize high-quality and varied leisure for children. What is the network of children's entertainment centers BAZILLION: - operating centers in Minsk, Brest, Mogilev; - more than 3 years of successful work; - optimal solutions for centers with different areas and locations; - own full cycle of design, ordering and installation of equipment; - a set of services for children of different ages - attractions, slot machines, animators, cafes, holidays; - all the necessary systems for organizing the effective work of personnel. Benefits of the BASILLION franchise: * work under a single brand that is trusted by our clients * reduction in the amount of investment for opening a children's center
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In-demand franchises

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Ay, yes I am!

Ay, yes I am!

firstAn initial fee: 2500 $
moneyInvestment required: 4800 $
royaltyRoyalty: 50 $
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Child Center
Description of the franchise by the franchisor: You are welcomed by the team of the children's center "Ay, yes I am!", Whose history begins in 2014. Over the years, more than one hundred children have attended our courses. Our teachers undergo a rigorous selection, and therefore at the end of the course, the result of the class is always visible. We have developed our own teaching methods, learned how to work with government agencies, found profitable suppliers of furniture and equipment, and learned a thousand other nuances that are very important in our work. Therefore, soon we decided to help other people who also want to open their own children's center, providing them with the "Ay, Yes Me!" Cooperation means that our partners receive a full package of documents and materials they need to work, as well as a large amount of necessary information and support at all stages of opening and operation. A franchise saves our partners both time and money.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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firstAn initial fee: 7000 $
moneyInvestment required: 0 $
royaltyRoyalty: 100 $
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Child Center
The brand called “FastTracKids” started out as an organization that operates internationally. We have opened the first franchise centers in 5 states of our globe. In October 1998, we carried out the first lessons, which were conducted in English and Spanish, in Australia, Mexico, Malaysia and Singapore, as well as in the United States and Venezuela. Since then, our “FastTracKids” brand has become a fast-growing institution that is constantly expanding through a franchise agreement. Our head office is located in Denver in the United States of America. At the moment, we already have more than 30,000 students, they study in our centers under the “FastTracKids” brand, the number of which exceeds 300, these centers are located on the territory of 52 states of our globe.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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CMG Kids

CMG Kids

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 31000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 18
firstCategory: Child Center
Why is it necessary to act here and now? Precisely because you should not save on children, no matter what the market situation is. Every year more and more new private gardens appear, this market grows and develops, moreover, the annual growth is 35%. Society is interested in ensuring that the development of children is carried out at a quality level, people are ready to invest financial resources in this. Another reason not to postpone action is the acute shortage of preschool institutions; kindergartens for children of the state format are mostly overcrowded, you can never find free places there, which is why this niche is free and gives you the opportunity to act.
City franchise
City franchise
For small towns, small settlements, small town
For small towns, small settlements, small town

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London Express Junior

London Express Junior

firstAn initial fee: 4000 $
moneyInvestment required: 24000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 350 $
timePayback. Number of months: 8
firstCategory: Children's educational center, Child Center, Child development, School children, It is a school for children, Children's programming, Children's programming school, Children's development center, Children's development center with new methods
The brand called London Express Junior is not only an integral part of the projects of the organization, which is called the London Express Group, but is also a continuation of the high-class project of franchising the network of London Express language schools. During each year we manage to open at least 5 schools, often the number reaches 10. All of them work under the brand of our organization. Our research helped to understand that a new franchise project is taking place for a successful London Express Junior project. Our center for child development is a completely new format in which additional education and upbringing of young visitors, aged from 1 to 12 years, is carried out. We have at our disposal the most effective high-class technologies, they make it possible to carry out education and development of children at an early age, which is very practical.
Family franchises
Family franchises
Children's franchises
Children's franchises
City franchise
City franchise

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article Franchise. For kids


Franchise. For children, various options for the entrepreneurial activity will become a solution to the current situation, when it is difficult to grasp only the idea of achieving a positive result with a profit. Within the framework of the franchise, in such a direction as children, many clients will be able to like the entrepreneurial activity of this format, with ready-to-use project strategies. For a franchise for children, it is more correct to choose each owner independently, thinking in detail about the chosen direction. Today, many customers buy a ready-made version of the franchise, which operates independently of the level of branches and divisions, completely eliminating various risks and pitfalls. It should be noted that the higher the level of educational mastery of the idea, the higher the cost of the project and the more promising the brand of this company.

At the initial stage, when choosing a manufacturer, it is necessary to hold a meeting, during which to discuss in detail all the details and prospects for joint cooperation on the franchise. In the future, you can familiarize yourself with the list of required documents, which are collected in detail by the qualified personnel of the manufacturer. You may need to run a few marketing and promotional seminars for clients that will help your livelihood increase your sales significantly. You always have the opportunity to raise any questions about the children's franchise, clarifying different situations with the brand's specialists, having a joint discussion of this topic. It has long been proven that it is much easier to get involved in developing a business with a franchise for children than to start your own business from the very beginning. Franchises for children can be purchased for the purpose of manufacturing products, selling goods, and providing services. With a franchise for children, clients with a direction of this format will be able to implement their idea and strategy.

Customers will be satisfied with the choice of the brand, as the entire development path of the manufacturer will be associated with work processes and an increase in the offer of services. Currently, ready-made franchises are widely popular all over the world, having earned the trust of customers with the prospect of forming a high-quality and effective idea that will be used on a large scale. The choice of a specific manufacturer on the part of the buyer will be influenced by the promoted and well-known trademark, which has been creating its successful name for many years. If you purchase a franchise for children, then you will consciously begin to follow the already trodden path, where there is an instruction for each action. With the acquisition of a franchise for children, you need to apply different levers of development, the main of which will be indicated by the producers of ideas. It is much easier to build your own business on a finished project than to develop your own business with market analytics, which you have every chance to calculate incorrectly. It should be said that it is more correct to always trust professionals than to carry out work in an independent format according to the preferred strategy and the chosen project.

An important and main fragment will remain the situation of choosing a franchise, which you can discuss in detail with representatives of the brand, in order to correctly distinguish between the client's skills and current prospects. Any developed franchise will be able to gain significant scale over time, which can be developed with the creation of branches and divisions around the world. You will be able to actively develop a franchise for children that is capable of generating the desired profit with access to an international level.

article Franchise. Child Center


A franchise for a children's center is a potentially profitable business project, in the implementation of which it is necessary to strictly follow the quality criteria that are provided for when doing business in coordination with the franchisor. Promote the franchise efficiently and efficiently, thereby providing an opportunity to attract effective demand. Children's institutions always enjoy a high level of popularity in almost any country and city. That is why it is profitable to engage in a franchise when promoting this kind of business. You will be able to work with clients and receive payment from them on a card or in cash if you implement the appropriate software when operating a franchise. The children's center will not have to manually carry out much paperwork, therefore, it will function efficiently.

In addition, we must not forget that you will need to pay special attention to various details. So, if you run a childcare center and spin this kind of franchise, you need to remember that you need to evaluate the target audience on the ground.

An effective franchise for a children's center can enrich an entrepreneur if he does everything correctly and according to the regulations. When interacting with a franchise, you must also remember that there is a lump-sum fee. This is the amount of money that you pay immediately as soon as you start working with the franchisor. Together with him, you estimate the cost of the franchise for the children's center and, based on the result of the assessment, deduct from 9 to 11% in his favor. This money is a kind of down payment on rent or something similar. In addition, if you are running a child care center franchise, you will also be donating a certain amount of money to the franchise owners on a monthly basis.

This is a common practice that applies when interacting with any type of business.

An efficiently functioning franchise for a children's center will provide a constant and well-paying effective demand, people will willingly pay money to an entrepreneur who will effectively spin up a foreign franchise. After all, people trust a variety of business projects that have successfully taken place in other countries. The childcare franchise is no exception. Plus, children are the most important to many people. This can be used when promoting a franchise for a children's center. Some advertising techniques can be used to make parents even more willing to place their children in your care.

Use the franchise of a childcare center, emphasizing the fact that you are a representative of a successful foreign brand. In addition, you need to include in the costs that percentage of the money that you will give to the franchisor on a monthly basis. This amount can be up to 9%, however, the percentage varies.

A franchise for a childcare center may include the ability to make a payment called royalties. In addition, there is also the possibility of advertising contributions, which will allow your brand partner to effectively carry out advertising activities in the global arena. Of course, if you are working with a franchise for a child center, then you can provide some discounts or cancellation of payments. Thus, you assume other obligations that allow the franchisor to receive your benefit in a different way. This may be a commitment on your part to purchase the inventory that the franchise sells. This is a common practice, and all the details are clarified during negotiations.

The franchise of the children's center will provide you with a very significant cash flow if you yourself make it clear to the local population that you have opened a new business project and if you are able to interest potential consumers.

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