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Franchise. Educational. St. Petersburg insert into tbCites (id, id_tbCountries, name, id_tbLangs, sysname) VALUES (USA)

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Global Child

Global Child

firstAn initial fee: 15000 $
moneyInvestment required: 20000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 7 %
timePayback. Number of months: 18
firstCategory: Children's educational center, Education, School children, It is a school for children, Children's programming, Children's programming school, Educational services, Training
Franchise description by franchisor: Become a part of the Global Child network of international educational clubs! Join one of the leaders of extracurricular education in our country. Today Global Child is: - a member of the international education association ICEF; - 7 years of successful work; - more than 10 unique programs to develop the potential of our students; - more than 1500 graduates who have completed training; - offers for different ages - from 6 months to 11 years; - selection and training of experienced teachers and child psychologists; - an individual approach to each child at any stage. Global Child programs are based on the unique methodology of the Bilingual Education System. The club also provides an opportunity for schoolchildren to study a foreign language in England, Malta, Spain and other countries, creating partner networks to continue their education in various forms.
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firstAn initial fee: 5000 $
moneyInvestment required: 18000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 4 %
timePayback. Number of months: 9
firstCategory: Children's educational center, Education, School children, It is a school for children, Children's programming, Children's programming school, Educational services, Training
Description of the franchise by the franchisor: The educational center "Leader" currently trains hundreds of students in 27 cities of Belarus and for 19 years of successful work has absorbed the best educational traditions, constantly introducing modern methods and technologies into the educational process. The courses of the Educational Center "Leader" have been repeatedly recognized as courses # 1 in Belarus according to the results of awards and contests, such as "Choice of the Year", "People's Brand", "Leader of the Year", "Brand of the Year", "Best Products of Belarus". Due to the high quality of educational services, "Leader" has become one of the largest centers in Belarus. Over the entire period of work, more than 70,000 students have successfully completed training. Educational center "Leader" provides training in more than 100 training programs. We follow all trends and timely update methodological manuals, programs, as well as add new directions. All teachers of the center are highly qualified professional practitioners.
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English language school EnglishРapa

English language school EnglishРapa

firstAn initial fee: 3000 $
moneyInvestment required: 6000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 4 %
timePayback. Number of months: 9
firstCategory: School, Languages, School of languages, English, English School
Description of the franchise by the franchisor: EnglishPapa School of English is a specialized English language school that conducts English courses in 27 cities of Belarus, organizes distance learning and arranges corporate training for employees of Belarusian companies. Another area of our work is consulting on education abroad. EnglishPapa is an accredited agency of ICEF (International Consultants for Education and Fairs), which brings together tens of thousands of educational institutions from 140 countries. The cost of the franchise includes: Fully automated business with a ready-made concept Advertising campaigns included in the package and a ready-made corporate website A streamlined client search system We have developed tests to determine the level before the start of training
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firstAn initial fee: 55000 $
moneyInvestment required: 2285 $
royaltyRoyalty: 1000 $
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Education, Educational services, Training
The MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL franchise is the right to use a ready-made effective business model, the latest educational technologies, trademarks, copyrights to teach children and adolescents the theory and practice of business. The educational network connects Business schools around the world, their students, teachers, entrepreneurs in a community of socially responsible business with a high mission - to raise a new strong generation capable of significant transformation of the world! MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL, an exclusive interactive program and methodology for business education for children and adolescents, was created by economists and entrepreneurs of the Scientific Center of the European Bureau for Business Development (EBRB), www.ebrb.org. Business education programs MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL were created at the initiative of the European Association for Business Development (EABR - www.eabr.org) and work on the fundamental principles of the European Union programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses - Enterprise Europe Network (ENN).
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Color Chemistry Fun Chemistry for kids 6+

Color Chemistry Fun Chemistry for kids 6+

firstAn initial fee: 3000 $
moneyInvestment required: 5000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 5 %
timePayback. Number of months: 4
firstCategory: Children's educational center, Education, School children, It is a school for children, Children's programming, Children's programming school, Educational services, Training
Description of the franchise by the franchisor: Chemistry is perhaps the most important scientific part of natural science. This is the science of the present and the future. We instill in children a love of science in a playful way. Most of the time during classes, children conduct scientific experiments with their own hands. Children begin to understand the fundamental processes taking place in the world around them. A unique educational program for children, which is compiled by real chemists with higher specialized education. We used the best domestic and foreign experience. Our teachers have been trained and trained in the best educational institutions of the country and Europe. We are constantly developing and complementing the program. As part of the classes, we visit real chemical plants and laboratories. What is included in the cost of the franchise: Access to the unique training and development program Color Chemistry Training of employees before starting work, consultations in the process of all work Lessons and master class topics. Helpful advice from experienced teachers
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article Franchise. Educational


Franchise. Educational activity will become a real way out of the present situation when it is difficult to pick up an idea on your own and bring it to a positive result with a profit. Under the franchise of the educational sphere, many clients will be able to start entrepreneurial activities, receiving a ready-made project for use by the strategy. For a franchise, it is more correct to choose a direction, in this case, it will be about educational activities. Currently, many clients buy a ready-made franchise, which can be developed in an independent format, completely eliminating risks and various pitfalls. It is worth pointing out that the higher the cost for an educational franchise, the larger and more promising the brand of this company.

At the initial stage, having chosen a manufacturer, it is required to hold a meeting during the course of which, it is necessary to discuss in detail all the details and details of the prospects for joint cooperation. Subsequently, you will be able to consider the required list of documentation, which has been drawn up in detail by the qualified personnel of the manufacturer. You may need to go through various marketing and advertising seminars for clients, the presence of which will significantly help to raise the level of wholesale sales. You always have the opportunity to contact the brand specialists for any questions you might have regarding the franchise of the educational direction, for a fruitful joint discussion of a particular topic. It has long been proven that it is much easier to develop a formed business through a franchise of an educational staff than to start an entrepreneurial activity from scratch on your own. A franchise can be purchased not only for educational purposes but also with regards to the production of products, trade in goods, and the provision of services. For an educational franchise, clients with a direction in the format of services will be able to implement their idea and strategy.

Customers will be satisfied with the choice of the brand since the entire development path of the manufacturer will become involved in work processes with an increase in the scale of service provision. You will be able to substantially actively develop an educational franchise, which has its own format of work with access to the international level.

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