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Franchise. Collection agency. Pool

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firstAn initial fee: 5000 $
moneyInvestment required: 5000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 175 $
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Collection agency
A company called CONTRUST has been providing legal and financial services for a long time, we opened back in 1998, during which time we managed to take the best positions in the niche of legal and financial consulting. Leading Russian banks turn to the CONTRUST organization, in addition, we interact with financial industrial groups, our partners are large organizations, in addition, we also work with other organizations that carry out various activities. The CONTRUST brand is the activity of class professionals who monitor financial and economic activities, in addition, we professionally deal with the restructuring of receivables, help to go through the bankruptcy procedure, and in addition, we carry out negotiations in a business format, carry on correspondence, we also specialize in collection, both judicial and pre-trial, we carry out enforcement proceedings.
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firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 5000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 20 %
timePayback. Number of months: 9
firstCategory: Collection agency
Collection agency called Straetus provides an opportunity to realize a franchise to open your own institution, which will deal with the collection of debts. This problem has already become the most acute among other difficulties. It is faced not only by banks, but also by organizations, as well as individuals. On the territory of our state, the market for the provision of collection services is quite young. But at the moment it is developing very quickly, if you enter now, then you will receive very significant advantages in the competitive confrontation, which will need to be applied with the maximum level of efficiency. Many organizations need our help, some brands have already developed their own unique methodology, and we are ready to offer the opportunity to implement a franchise. One of the most successful organizations of this kind is ours, our franchise provides an opportunity to conduct collection business with the maximum level of efficiency.
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firstAn initial fee: 5000 $
moneyInvestment required: 5000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Collection agency
If you have the desire and purpose of opening your own collection services agency, you need to collect a large amount of documentation, you also need to conclude an agreement with contractors who will directly carry out office operations, in addition, you need to become a member of the register of legal entities that have a license to carry out collection thus, you will be able to work with overdue debts, while making a profit. In addition, you must fully comply with the requirements of Federal Law 229, and, moreover, you need to study a huge amount of additional information materials in order to effectively cope with the task at hand. Only one part of the financial waste that you will encounter is listed below in the text. Firstly, you will incur the costs of state fees by opening a collection agency. This is at least one hundred thousand Russian rubles;
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article Franchise. Collection agency


A franchise for a collection agency is a rather specific activity that may face certain difficulties on the territory of different states, because a collection agency needs to act with specific methods, often threats and blackmail. That is why it is necessary to carry out a very serious analytical activity before promoting such a franchise. You will need to study what legal regulations prevent you from doing this type of business. Implement the franchise efficiently and efficiently, avoiding errors in the essential plan. This will give you the opportunity to build a business project that will bring you a high amount of income over a long period of time. A collection franchise is a business project, in the implementation of which you still need to adhere to some ethical standards.

Of course, the result is above all, however, some boundaries are still not worth crossing. Collection agencies do not have a very good reputation, therefore, choose the best franchise that will provide you with a comprehensive set of effective and at the same time legal tools.

When working on a franchise for a collection agency, you also need to clearly understand that working under the brand name of a well-known company costs money. Firstly, already at the stage of implementation, you agree to pay a lump-sum fee. It is 9, 10, or 11% of the initial investment you want to spend. Further, when implementing a franchise for a collection agency, you should also keep in mind the fact that royalties and advertising fees are two deductions that will take you up to 9% of your total income or even turnover on a monthly basis. All conditions are negotiated with the franchisor individually, however, the general rule applies to all types of franchising. You simply reach the appropriate agreements with the brand representative and enshrine them in the contract.

Working with a collection agency franchise is your chance to achieve impressive results in the fight against competitors due to the availability of a whole set of various tools. These are high-class technologies, know-how, and various methods for interacting with your customers.

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