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Dry cleaning. Budapest. Major franchises over $ 100,000

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firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 157000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 36
firstCategory: Dry cleaning
Franchise description by franchisor: Spanish dry cleaners and laundries franchise, started in Madrid in 1994. Until today, the company has been successfully promoting its business concept in 23 countries on five continents, and now sets itself the task of developing its network in the Belarusian market. Pressto singles out Belarus as a promising market for a consolidated business model such as Pressto, where high quality services are constantly increasing in demand. At this stage of development of the franchising market in Belarus, the demand for laundry and dry cleaning services is increasing. Why the Pressto franchise is the best business investment. Some of Pressto's great success can be attributed in different ways, from unique solutions for each type of dry cleaning to tailoring multiple services in one laundry. Pressto offers a new business concept based on continuous innovation and research processes.
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article Franchise. Dry cleaning


The dry cleaning franchise must be implemented strictly in accordance with the set of standards that the franchisee receives from the brand representative when concluding the contract. A franchise is nothing more than the right to use a trademark and a large number of preferences, as well as benefits that you receive for a certain fee. The franchise can be implemented in any territory, the main thing is that its postulates do not contradict the legislation of local authorities. If you are interested in dry cleaning and opening its prospects as a franchise, then you need to immediately carry out a competitive analysis. This kind of analytics allows understanding what needs to be done to achieve success, which companies compete with you, and what needs to be done to win this confrontation. Working with a dry cleaning franchise is a business process that requires you to adhere to certain rules.

The implementation of dry cleaning franchise rules is clearly spelled out and regulated. As a franchisee, you have certain responsibilities. In turn, the franchisor also undertakes to carry out many actions so you can easily open a business project according to its templates and their example. The dry worker should be located in a place where you have a large number of customers, both passing by and those who purposefully want to use your services. This provides you with the ability to quickly buy a franchise and thereby recoup your investment. After all, a dry washing franchise is nothing more than an investment of financial resources in a successful business model. Do you invest financial resources and make a profit than not an investment?

Working with a dry cleaning franchise will be flawless if you adhere to the staff dress code, as well as decorate the premises and interior decoration under the regulations provided. The exterior of the building that houses the dry washing franchise must also comply with regulations. Competent design is part of the success, and you receive all the necessary information immediately after the contract is concluded. The business project also provides the need to deduct certain contributions. So the franchisee must pay the franchisor for the right to operate laundry franchise a fee of 9 to 11%. This is called a lump sum, and it is provided almost all types of activities that are associated with the right to exclusive distribution on behalf of the brand.

The dry cleaning franchise effectively copes with the tasks set, subject to the availability of an exhaustive amount of information from the franchisor. He is interested in you making as much money as possible. Along with the lump-sum contribution, you monthly deduct a certain amount of money earned to the accounts of a brand representative. It is also a common practice with nothing special or new. Such kind of a franchise will function ideally only if the rules that are spelled out and regulated are strictly followed. You can also be checked by the so-called mystery shoppers who come to the cleaning service and want to buy something or get a service.

The cleaning business also provides some other obligations on the part of the franchisee. For example, you may be required to purchase certain chemicals and cleaning products from specific locations. So, the franchisor realizes its benefit and this is a common practice. The cleaning franchise effectively copes with the tasks set, which means you are able to get ahead of the competition because by exploiting the opportunity to act under a well-known brand, you already have a rather significant advantage in the fight against sales markets competitors, and consumer preferences.

article Major franchises


Large franchise brands with a well-known name, take a leading position in the market, around the world. Big deals, big profits and this is no secret to anyone. Those who have money do not waste time on trifles, opening immediately a large network of restaurants, shops, beauty salons, barbershops, hotel complexes, gas stations, etc. The most famous brands are McDonald's, Holiday Inn, Subway, Chanel, Gucci, Dior, Zara, and many others. Every day there are more and more of them. Why is purchasing a cheap or large franchise so in demand? Everything is elementary simple.

There is no need to start everything from scratch, this is especially effective for beginners who do not figure out either the foundation or the management on their own. When purchasing a franchise, large, medium, or cheap, you should understand that in addition to the plan, you get support from franchisors, our specialists, with a plan and further instruction, advice on promotions, and advertising. Open a business, starting not from scratch, but with the support of a shark business. At the same time, with large turnovers, the percent deducted to franchisors is insignificant, recouping all costs from the first month. When cooperating with a catalog of the franchise, you take risks with a minimum percentage when evaluating the work of a particular company, taking into account the duration of activity in the market, fees, and other parameters. Also, the store available to receive analytical reports daily, weekly, monthly, annually. Also, in the catalog is available to see the classification of all large franchises (from expensive to cheap), specifying the place (region).

The initial payment, taking into account the lump-sum payment and the terms of the transaction with the founders, to assess the demand for the status in the market and other data. Another plus in acquiring a large franchise is that there is no need to waste time optimizing resources.

For more information, please contact our specialists using the provided contact numbers. Send a request by e-mail, as well as go to the catalog of the large franchise to get acquainted with the price offer, the names of the large or cheap franchise, read customer reviews (franchisees and franchisors). We thank you in advance for your interest and look forward to long-term cooperation.

article Franchise. Budapest


A franchise in Budapest provides replenishment of income items due to the fact that this city is a tourist attraction. A franchise always brings benefits to all companies that promote it on the basis of business books received from the franchisor. The franchise must be advertised in the way the franchisor taught you. This ensures your success as you do not make any mistakes. In addition, when operating a franchise, you have the opportunity to design your premises in the style that is characteristic of all offices and premises of the brand with which you interact. Budapest is characterized not only by a high level of paying capacity of the population but also by a huge number of tourist sites that attract many people from other countries.

That is why the franchise in Budapest has every chance of success. After all, you provided a large number of potential attracted customers.

A successful market entry is ensured thanks to us. One of the main requirements for franchise biz is the demand for goods or services provided by the franchisor. Thus, by buying a successful biz idea and starting its activities under an already well-known brand, the franchisee by the beginning of the opening of his enterprise already has a circle of consumers loyal to the brand.

When it comes to a franchise in Budapest, fast food cafes and restaurants, as well as hotels and hostels, immediately come to mind. After all, tourists form the city of Budapest, and the prerogative is most profitable to interact with those people who are on vacation. Of course, the local population should not be underestimated either. In addition, when promoting a franchise in such an area, you need to take into account the fact in the territory of this city there may be a large number of people who have come on business and are promoting the privilege efficiently and profitably, without making any mistakes simply because you have ready and functioning regulations. You promote your prerogative in Budapest with attention to detail in order not to get into a difficult situation. A franchise in Budapest is your chance for success and a solution to a high level of material well-being.

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