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Franchise. sports bar. Egindykol

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firstAn initial fee: 5000 $
moneyInvestment required: 16000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 3 %
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Healthy eating, sports bar, Healthy food store, Healthy food cafe, Proper nutrition, Nutrition store
The management company Mozhno was founded in 2013. We have combined the concept of healthy eating with a genuine passion for the culinary arts and restaurant business at Healthy Habits Bars. The concept is aimed at the middle segment of the consumer, as a healthy alternative to fast food with an equal price offer. According to VTsIOM, as of mid-2018, in 2018, the maximum for all measurement periods (60%) was reached by the share of citizens who monitor their diet: 7% follow a diet recommended by a doctor, 12% - independently chosen, 41% - in generally try to eat healthy foods. The number of those who complain about the inability to monitor their diet due to lack of funds has decreased in half: from 28% to 14%. Every year, more and more Russians go in for sports, over three years the figure increased from 61% in 2015 to 79% in 2018 (including those who exercise regularly - from 16% to 25%).
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article Franchise. sports bar


A sports bar franchise is a kind of activity, in which you need to remember the need to fulfill obligations to the franchisor. In general, when selling a franchise, you need to make a variety of contributions at the initial stage. A sports franchise requires you to invest in the promotion of a business project, as well as a lump-sum deduction. Its volume corresponds to from 9 to 11% of the amount of investment that is provided. A sports bar franchise is a business project related to the sale of alcohol. Hence, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in different states there are various restrictions on such trade.

In order not to get into a difficult situation, when implementing a fitness club franchise, you should clearly understand that you must comply with the law and thereby ensure yourself the opportunity not to get into a difficult situation.

Work with a sports bar occupation, choosing the option that suits you best. There are a lot of options on the Internet, thus, you can bargain with the franchisor and get the best conditions from a particular brand. Work with an athletic bar prerogative efficiently and productively and then no one will have any complaints against you. Even if a commission comes to you from the state or the franchisor, you will be able to give a reasoned answer and not get into a difficult situation. A well-functioning sports bar franchise is your chance to get a high level of profitability and, at the same time, pay for the operation of a well-known brand. After all, you make 2 types of franchise payments on a monthly basis.

The first payment in the implementation of an athletic bar business is royalty. It accounts for up to 7% of income. Further, you should also take into account the advertising fee, which can vary from 1 to 3%.

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