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Franchise. Pizza. Beijing. Business with investments up to $ 75000

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Pirate Pizza

Pirate Pizza

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 52500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 4 %
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Pizza, Pizzeria, Pizza factory, Pizza delivery
The advantages that you get by realizing a franchise called "Pirate Pizza": we have already successfully implemented 23 projects, these are pizzerias and, moreover, of different formats; you get a very high level of payback when interacting with our organization, the franchise provides you with the corresponding benefits; at the same time we provide the opportunity to order 150 full meals; the franchisee receives assistance from us in advertising, we maintain social networks, carry out promotion; for a 13-year period of time, we have a successful presence in the restaurant business market, specialize in fast food, in addition, we also deliver food to the end consumer; constant growth is our distinctive feature, we are developing steadily, the company has a high level of competitiveness all the time; we use high quality reliable grades.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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firstAn initial fee: 6700 $
moneyInvestment required: 53500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 5 %
timePayback. Number of months: 26
firstCategory: Pizza, Fast food, Courier, Pizzeria, Pizza factory, Pizza delivery, Fast food, Fast food cafe, Fast food restaurant, Street food, Courier service, Courier company, Transport company, Logistic company, Delivery, Food delivery, Delivery of products, Delivery company, Delivery service for online stores, mail
The most important project benefit is you get a ton of cool technology. The organization uses the most modern technological solutions that allow to very seriously speed up the process from within the activity, to obtain a stable release of quality products and services. We always keep up with the times, often we can even overtake it. We use absolutely all technical innovations, while we use their maximum potential. You will be able to do this too if you purchase our franchise. You will be running an excellent automation service: our proprietary cloud system and high-quality technical assistance will provide you with this opportunity. You will be provided with constructors for making rolls, pizza and wok. In addition, we provide a resource to work within the framework of uniform services, and this will make it possible to serve an order. You will also have our courier client app and website at your disposal.
City franchise
City franchise
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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firstAn initial fee: 4700 $
moneyInvestment required: 70000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 6 %
timePayback. Number of months: 20
firstCategory: Cafe, Pizza, A restaurant, Family cafe, Self-service cafe, Pizzeria, Pizza factory, Pizza delivery, Restaurant and cafe
Under the Sicily brand, there is a successful franchise that implements a family restaurant that first opened in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation. In 2019, we managed to open 36 pizzerias. Now the chain has grown greatly, its area is huge: the average area occupied by a restaurant exceeds 400 square meters. We are implementing a franchising model, and within its framework, we successfully operate more than 20 of our establishments, and we only started this kind of activity five years ago. All our pizzerias have opened and are successfully operating to this day. We have high-quality experience in order to launch a pizzeria in a profitable format. In addition, we have a high-quality program at our disposal, within the framework of which the franchisee receives effective support. Operational processes in marketing are set up with the help of our experienced managers.
City franchise
City franchise
For small towns, small settlements, small town
For small towns, small settlements, small town

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firstAn initial fee: 7500 $
moneyInvestment required: 61500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 5 %
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Cafe, Catering, Pizza, Convenience store, Food production, Family cafe, Self-service cafe, Public catering, Pizzeria, Pizza factory, Pizza delivery
The brand called PepePizza provides franchising opportunities. Our restaurants are the place where you need and you can hold delicious meetings with business partners, friends and loved ones with whom you want to sit together, have something to eat. Our story began in 2019, when we managed to open our family cafe, which was the first on the territory of the new Moskovsky district. The founders of the organization decided to go further by opening a network that operates under a new brand that provides the opportunity to effectively dominate the market. We realized that high-quality cuisine is absent, or is lacking in many cities, especially if it is combined with a good and pleasant interior, where consumers will feel as comfortable as possible. In addition, people are looking for where to meet, spend time, discuss news with friends, and eat.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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article Franchise. Pizza


A pizza franchise is a unique business project, in the implementation of which all production formalities must be taken into account. Almost every entrepreneur who wants to become an exclusive distributor of this product can take advantage of the franchise. Regardless of whether you sell pizza or open a coffee shop, the franchise work according to the same patterns that are typical for all types of this kind of business. A franchise is nothing more than the object of a franchise agreement. This is a whole range of various benefits, which consists of the exclusive right to operate the brand, as well as a business model that the franchisor provides you with. These are also other benefits that you need to create a business and carry out efficient office operations.

The standard set by the brand must be followed. If you sell pizza, then it must be decorated in a corporate style, and all components must comply with quality standards. A pizza franchise provides you with the opportunity to sell food, thus, you need to choose the most suitable place for this purpose. These can be busy intersections or places where there is simply effective demand. When it comes to a pizza franchise, the ideal location would be a position close to an educational institution or business center. So, you can always find your customers.

Likewise, shopping malls are the ideal place to start a pizza franchise. This is a common practice that applies to other types of business as well. However, the difference lies in the fact that when implementing a franchise, you have the opportunity to enjoy a whole range of different benefits that significantly distinguish you from your competitors. This competitive edge gives you the opportunity to make more money and become the most effective entrepreneur.

An effective pizza franchise provides you with the opportunity to significantly improve your material well-being. Also, the franchisor able to enjoy the fact that a certain amount of financial resources is transferred to his accounts every month. An effective pizza franchise meets all your needs if you carry out everything correctly during the planning stage. You may also need an efficient electronic system for your pizza franchise to function optimally. Organize your customers, while using certain signs. This helps you understand how you interact with your target audience.

You can envisage a variety of sets that contain a whole range of different dishes. Hence, a pizza franchise has every chance of being successful. In general, you do not need to invent anything new, just implement the business models that you get from an established entrepreneur. An effective pizza franchise can provide up to 11% of the franchisor's lump sum. He receives this money, and you also owe him two more types of deductions on a monthly basis. First, royalties are provided for the sale of a franchise. Royalty is a certain amount of financial resources, which is calculated as a percentage of the profit received.

If you are selling a pizza franchise, then the royalties can be as high as 2% or 6%. Typically, royalties vary within the specified range. A pizza franchise may also require you to make a promotional fee. This monthly payment is also irrevocably transferred to the franchisor's accounts. He uses it at his own discretion, but for effective advertising campaigns on the global map. Marketing campaigns are also carried out at the expense of these funds. In turn, you carry out promotional activities when implementing a pizza franchise.

However, they also need to be enforced following the regulations from the owner of the trademark.

Implementing a pizza franchise gives you the ability to work with large screens throughout the halls. They can be connected using specialized software. You have two options: you either get the software from the franchisor, or you have to take care of the purchase yourself. Either way, you need to automate the process if you are implementing a pizza franchise. You can adjust previously created plans by studying and collecting statistics. Statistical indicators can clearly reflect the current situation in the market within the company.

If you regularly study statistics when implementing a pizza franchise, you will most likely be fine. You are able to determine the beginning of the process for the churn of the customer base in time It possible to understand the reason for this process and prevent it by taking adequate measures in time. An effective pizza franchise gives you a significant competitive edge simply by using a variety of tools. You can also use the catalog of franchises, of which there are quite a few at the moment. They offer a variety of businesses that you can pursue as an exclusive distributor. The pizza franchise is no exception, thus, you need to choose the most successful brand to sell your services or products on its behalf.

article Business franchise with investments


Today, everything is available, including automation of company management, accounting, and optimization of working time, control, as well as a business franchise with investments of both minimal and significant financial investments. Guided by their own interests and wishes, it is available to quickly and efficiently raise your business with a franchise in a particular field of activity, with a minimum investment of time and resources. If you are new to this issue, you need expert advice, help from IT technology, then you should turn to professional platforms that specialize in the franchise and everything connected with it. Why is it convenient and profitable to purchase and operate a franchise? Everything is quite simple to explain. When creating a business from scratch, you need to invest funds, you need to build an action plan, calculate both the start-up capital and the subsequent investments that the business need for promotion. At the same time, it is necessary to have at least a little knowledge in management, accounting, and control not only by employees but also various processes, so as not to get confused and not suffer losses.

When buying and working together with a franchisor, it easier to build a business, due to brand awareness, acquired skills, which they undoubtedly share, as well as acquired clients. First, you need to calculate all the pros and cons, decide in which field of activity you want to open a business, clarify about the start-up capital, and then act. Nevertheless, if to this day you are tormented with a choice, then you can go to the portal, analyze the choice provided, compare the price range, and get a business plan. Also, on the site, you can view traffic statistics on SEO statistics, read the reviews of our clients (franchisors and franchisees), see the status and rating of a particular franchise, clarify investments, income, and lump-sum fees. On our site there is a large selection, when searching, you can use an automatic search engine or choose category, country, city, village, pick up the amount of the initial investment, etc. Today everything is available, as well as automatic calculation in the franchise store, provided for everyone. There is no need to go through everything from start to finish, you have the necessary data on hand.

Find out more about collaboration in the business franchise store. Also, expert advice is provided, franchisors support that help in consultation, and tell you about all the chips, actions and providing the necessary effective business development information. When expanding and opening points, everyone wins. A business franchisee provides the authority to represent the interests on a long-term basis of a particular brand, in a particular field of activity, subject to certain conditions. The most demanded types of business management franchises are fast food, service, goods, and services. The franchise catalog allows choosing a worthwhile franchise, displaying a personal approach, saving time and business investments, expanding SEO traffic. Everyone will find an advantageous offer for themselves, taking into account investments and tools.

We give a one hundred percent guarantee of efficiency related to business development through the acquisition of a franchise.

To consult on various issues, you should contact the specified contact numbers, send a request by e-mail. We thank you for your interest and look forward to joint, productive cooperation.

article Franchise. Pizzeria


A franchise for a pizzeria can be a gold mine for an entrepreneur who decides to develop it. Bring the franchise in full compliance with the regulations and then, you will surely be successful. You should pay attention to the preparatory stage when you have a chance to make the most profitable management decisions after studying statistics. If you decide to engage in a pizzeria and are looking for a suitable franchise, you need to choose the option that is best suited for the city where you are going to expand your business project. It is necessary to study all the proposed conditions and choose the best, so as not to experience any difficulties in the future. A franchised pizzeria must be worked with in such a way that compliance with the requirements of the franchisor is maximized.

We also need maximum unification in terms of external design and internal content. The menu should also be tailored to meet the needs of consumers as much as possible. Of course, when developing a franchise for a pizzeria, you must also consider regional characteristics and local cultural codes. For example, some franchised pizzerias on the territory of the state of Kazakhstan sell goods that contain specific elements of local cuisine. This greatly affects the level of customer loyalty, as people appreciate it when they are treated with attention.

A pizzeria franchise will ensure you have a head start over any opponents. In addition, if you do the level of service delivery a little more than your opponents, then you will definitely have every chance of achieving long-term success. There is a fee called royalties, which is made monthly along with the transfer to advertising activities towards the franchisor. These two contributions for the growth of a franchise for a pizzeria can ultimately amount to up to 9% of monthly financial receipts. In order to pay off the franchisor without any problems, carry out your business with the utmost level of attention to detail, and also do not neglect the directions from senior partners. They are provided to you for this so that you do not have any difficulties and you can clearly synchronize everything with an actual and successful example.

A franchise for a pizzeria can also only be realized after you have made a lump sum payment. This amount of funds is no more than 11% of the investment amount that you provided for the initial stage of the business project. Carry out all the current business operations, become the most successful entrepreneur, and compete on an equal footing with the structure of your immediate rivals. All this is possible if you competently develop a franchised pizzeria business project. Do not neglect the study of statistical information, as it contains the key to success. You will be able to determine in time the process of customer churn if it starts.

To do this, you just need to visually study the statistics using up-to-date tools, especially graphs and charts.

A franchise for a pizzeria will help you optimize office operations, place goods in warehouses most successfully and competently so that they take up as little space as possible. Old inventory must be disposed of, and the goods you create cannot be stored for more than one day. After all, pizza is a perishable product that is served hot. That is why a franchise for a pizzeria must exactly comply with the standards and regulations, and the volume of purchased goods will most likely have to be determined empirically. Otherwise, you will not be able to cope with the clerical operation. After all, perishable products cannot be stored, and it is costly to throw them away.

That is why, when developing a franchise for a pizzeria, you need to clearly understand how many resources you need to purchase on a daily basis. Some of the components can be supplied by the franchisor when it comes to unique and specific types of products. Accordingly, if you sell a pizzeria under a franchise, you may be directly obliged to purchase certain stocks under the contract. We will have to do this since the conditions should not correspond to the interests of both parties and lead to mutual enrichment.

article Business franchise with attachments catalog


A business franchise with investment catalog provides an opportunity to choose a profitable offer at an affordable price, taking into account the lump-sum fee, terms and conditions of franchise contracts. You can open your business on your own, from scratch, but then you need to clearly understand where to start and what management principles to act on, based on financial calculations and business plans. Advertising, building a client base are quite complex processes, especially taking into account the current situation, constantly growing competition in all areas of activity. Therefore, if you are a beginner, but furiously strive to become the owner of your business, can you start a business under the guidance of some more well-known brand, with a sufficiently significant name and income. If you do not know where to start, and indeed in what field of activity to open your own business, then go through the catalogs of franchises and choose the business that will be closest to your heart, because there is nothing better than your favorite business. So, in the franchise catalog you can see current offers, with a certain investment of funds, familiarize yourself with the terms of the franchise, the name of the case, the lump-sum payment or its absence, additional data, reviews and certain points in a certain region of interest to you.

Franchisors will help franchisees not only in opening a business, but will also come, advise, assist in recruiting, tell about the clear advantages and tricks, build an action plan, etc. Calculate the amount of investment, lump-sum payment and payback periods is available directly in the franchise store. Dial the specified contact number and consult on additional questions. We thank you in advance for your interest, contacting the catalog for franchises and investments, we hope for productive joint cooperation.

article Franchise. Pizza delivery


A pizza delivery franchise is a business project, which, if developed correctly, will generate a very considerable income. The main thing is to correctly prepare for the implementation of this event. Implement your franchise in full accordance with the original, which you can almost completely copy. Of course, mindless copying is also not the best option, as often within the framework of a pizza delivery franchise, some adjustments can be made to correctly fit into the regional specifics, which will provide a competitive advantage. Some of the local flairs also need to be taken into account to ensure a high level of customer loyalty. You work on a franchise and deliver on time, bringing in hot pizza.

This will provide you with the advantage of increasing the volume of budgetary receipts and thereby become the most successful competitive businessman. Work efficiently and efficiently for the delivery franchise, avoiding significant errors. You will have every chance of achieving impressive results if you completely copy the regulations and costs, as well as the design of the code that is provided to you.

If you are going to work with delivery, the pizza must be of high quality and, of course, the consumer must receive it hot. The franchise representative will surely provide you with up-to-date information on how to achieve this result. Be confident and avoid mistakes, which will give you a very significant competitive edge. You can work with targeted ads to let consumers know that you are entering the market. Accordingly, they will decide to turn to a well-known pizza delivery franchise to try out a new service. In addition, if you choose a well-known brand, then it will serve as a kind of magnet for all potential customers.

A well-designed pizza delivery franchise will provide you with a very significant and significant advantage in the eternal confrontation. Work with analytical information by studying statistics. This will give you an idea of how to proceed and what needs to be done to achieve an even greater level of success. You will become the most successful and their most competitive businessman who will be able to effectively cope with any office work.

article Franchise. Beijing


The franchise in Beijing is in great demand and even since 1999 has been holding annual exhibitions in twelve cities around the world. A franchise is beneficial for both franchisors and franchisees, given the income to both parties. All over China (Beijing) more than 7700 companies from various fields of activity come and take part. trademarks, with more than 195,000 retail outlets. Considering the quantitative indicators, it is worth noting that Beijing, China, ranks first in terms of the number of commercial franchise outlets. Choosing a worthwhile and suitable franchise for you, it is possible to open a business anywhere in the world, agreeing to the terms and conditions provided by the franchiser.

Actual and a very profitable franchise is the sphere of public catering, trade, transportation, services (cosmetology, insurance, financial). The franchise catalog allows you to choose the right franchise at an affordable price for a little-known or world-famous brand. When buying a franchise for Beijing or any other city, you need to study the rules of the agreement, the presence or absence of a lump-sum fee, payment, etc. The cost of a franchise depends on many parameters, payback periods, monthly income, duration of work of a particular company in the market, comparison with similar offers, etc. In addition to the franchise, it -be available to obtain a client base, help from a franchisor, attendance at meetings, and open points.

Get more information on Beijing, Osh, Astana, Moscow, or other countries, cities, available in the franchise catalog, having read the offers, customer reviews, pricing policy, and other issues. Call specialists and consult are available at any time. We are grateful for your interest and look forward to productive cooperation.


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