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Franchise. Service. Shamaldysay

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Computer Clinic Network

Computer Clinic Network

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 1350 $
royaltyRoyalty: 120 $
timePayback. Number of months: 4
firstCategory: Computer Repair, Service
The network of computer clinics is a federal brand and a large package of contracts with global and Russian manufacturers. The project operates on a franchise basis, and all computer clinics share uniform standards of quality, service and appearance.
City franchise
City franchise
For small towns, small settlements, small town
For small towns, small settlements, small town

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firstAn initial fee: 1700 $
moneyInvestment required: 1700 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 4
firstCategory: Service
The TNK brand is a successful certification center, it was founded on the territory of the Russian Federation back in 2015. This is one of the largest certification centers on the territory of the Russian Federation, it has full-fledged accreditation within the framework of state bodies, moreover, accreditation applies to all products that are sold in full accordance with the all-Russian classifier. Our organization under the TNK brand is a member of the list of the Customs Union commission. In addition, our organization was officially published on the website of the Russian Federal Accreditation Agency. This is a project that quickly pays for itself within the framework of a franchise, moreover, we have been carrying out effective certification on the territory of the Russian Federation since 2018. We work with a variety of permits, and we cover all types: voluntary and mandatory certification, declaration, fire certification, QMS and so on.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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In the town

In the town

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 1200 $
royaltyRoyalty: 15 %
timePayback. Number of months: 2
firstCategory: Service
A brand called "In the city" offers you a franchise that allows you to implement sales activities for an application that is relevant for all cities of the Russian Federation, it allows you to unite the entire settlement within a convenient service and gives you the opportunity to solve various tasks throughout the day and gives also a chance to interact with the problem in an effective way. Within the framework of this software, you will receive high-quality functionality that allows you to interact with stores, purchase services and goods, and also using the application you can receive a variety of news that relate to simple information, as well as administrative relations, in addition, within the framework of this application, people can implement the creation of your ads and post them for viewing, you can still see what schedule public transport runs on.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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article Franchise. Service


The service franchise function effectively provided that it is properly planned at the product launch stage. You can work with a franchise with a high level of comfort if you choose the right target niche and brand you want to interact with. Promote your franchise following the norms of the regional legislation, also pay attention to those traditions and standards that are accepted in the society where you are going to start this kind of business. If you are in the business of digital service and cars service, the results of the franchise help you enter the market with the maximum level of comfort, because you have a well-functioning brand at your disposal, which has already proven its effectiveness in other markets. Of course, regional differences can significantly affect the implementation of an auto service franchise, so you should take analytical actions in advance to determine the risks that threaten you.

The ideal identifying the risks and opportunities method that you have at your disposal is swot analysis. It is suitable not only for a service that operates under a franchise but is also a universal tool. Besides, you should not neglect such analysis, which allows determining what advantages your competitors have and what disadvantages help you get ahead of them. This is very convenient since you can always be one step ahead in the competition. In addition to implementing a service franchise under a well-known brand, you also have a whole set of various advantages of the current format. For example, a ready-made business project, taking into account all the mistakes made earlier, help you successfully cope with almost any difficulties.

You also get a variety of books, the so-called business books, in the set with the brand. They contain all the necessary information on how to properly carry out office operations. If you are running a service franchise, you need to take care of the staff dress code. Each of the professionals must be dressed in a uniform, just like in the country of origin of the trademark. You can be checked by representatives of the franchisor by sending a commission or the so-called mystery shopper. That is why a car service franchise must function flawlessly and exactly copy all the external attributes of the original. This is very important to remain the original distributor and to retain the right to sell this product.

The franchise for the service allows operating productively, overtaking all the main opponents due to the presence of a very well-known and popular brand.

Working with a service franchise is a process that works in a similar way to conventional businesses. But a significant difference is not only the presence of a popular and promoted brand throughout the world. You also have a variety of benefits at your disposal. For example, you can copy a business model, technology, but for this, you are mutually responsible. You can also get some benefits from the franchisor if you manage to negotiate. You should not copy a service franchise thoughtlessly, as you risk falling under the responsibility of the law on the protection of individual property.

Working with a franchise provides the need to get rid of stale goods, in general, as is done in the implementation of any projects. Optimize your warehouses to save the maximum amount of resources and at the same time pay the minimum amount of financial resources.

Such type of a franchise may include the ability to ensure consumer control so that your customers don't churn. The process of churning a customer base can be easily determined by statistical indicators, which always need to be studied in detail. A franchise, like any other business project, requires attention to detail and constant study of statistical reports. To do this, you need to collect all relevant data and constantly analyze it. One of the most reliable controlling a service franchise tool is swot analysis. Along with the competitive analysis, it becomes the backbone of your success.

Almost all successful business projects are based on these 2 analyzes, especially those related to a franchise. You always prepared in advance for potentially dangerous situations and able to react in time by taking the necessary measures.

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