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Franchise. Boxing. Bavly

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Brothers boxing club

Brothers boxing club

firstAn initial fee: 52500 $
moneyInvestment required: 123500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 5 %
timePayback. Number of months: 14
firstCategory: Boxing
A brand called Brothers Boxing Club is not just personal boxing training. It's even, so to speak, a lifestyle. The consumer draws useful skills for himself, admits that he did not want to ponder, grows, becomes better, overcomes difficulties, becomes strong, self-confident. Our brand Brothers Boxing Club is known to many, those people who value sincerity, are always in a good mood, love freedom. This brand suits exactly such persons. We strive for success. The key to our successful office work in a different process is positive. We get excellent results while avoiding injury. From day one, you provide high-quality training conditions, effectively and painlessly train consumers. They are always positive, we are different from other studios that make people feel negative.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 70000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 600 $
timePayback. Number of months: 11
firstCategory: Boxing, Boxing club, Sport
Why the franchise is called Bronx: firstly, this franchise provides an opportunity to implement a business on favorable terms. You have a guarantee that the opening of the project will be profitable. And we carry out the selection of only those premises with the help of which it will be possible to make a profit, we have our own system for these purposes. It is thanks to this that we open clubs that, from the very first day of activity, receive applications and customers who want to use the services of the service. The franchise package includes an excellent sales system that has a high level of efficiency, it is completely ready for the implementation of office operations. In addition, we provide you with a functional Client Relationship Management system that allows you to effectively interact with consumers.
City franchise
City franchise
For small towns, small settlements, small town
For small towns, small settlements, small town

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article Franchise. Boxing


A boxing franchise is a potentially lucrative project, and you still need to be very careful when implementing it, because boxing is inevitable, so you need to figure out all aspects of this process. Implement your franchise efficiently and without making mistakes, becoming the most successful entrepreneur. Boxing is given special attention by young people, therefore, if you are interested in a franchise for such a direction, you will need to choose the most suitable option. The most popular brands are more expensive, however, when interacting with this type of project, you will have a better chance of achieving impressive results in the competition. A well-functioning boxing franchise will allow you to distribute your stock at the right level of quality. It is worth considering that a brand franchise alone does not ensure your success.

It is also necessary with knowledge and diligence to apply all those bonuses that you receive by concluding an agreement with the franchisor.

When interacting with a boxing franchise, you should remember that when implementing such a project, you will need to make a certain number of deductions in favor of the franchisor. First, this is a lump-sum contribution, which must be calculated as a percentage of the number of resources that you invest at the initial stage of activity. Further, on a monthly basis, you will need to transfer up to 9% as contributions to maintain the product brand. The first of these contributions is royalties, and the amount for the sale of a franchise for boxing is up to 6% of the profit received. The second installment is called the so-called transfer to advertising activities. It is 1, 2, or 3%, it all depends on how you manage to agree.

A boxing franchise is a rather risky business project that, when implemented, can bring you a significant amount of money as income. Work with legislative acts in order not to get into a difficult situation during the implementation of the project. You need to know exactly your responsibilities and rights in order to always give a reasoned answer when disputable situations arise. A franchise is a business that has its own rules that must be followed. For example, often the franchisor wants you to purchase certain types of inventories from him. This is a common and quite standard practice.

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