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Franchise. Farm. Bezhanitsy

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firstAn initial fee: 1300 $
moneyInvestment required: 12000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Farm, Farm shop, Farmer shop
The LavkaLavka brand is a farm cooperative that operates at the federal level. At the same time, this organization applies a completely new philosophy that accompanies its activities. In fact, we are implementing a kind of project - this is a social network. It is designed to help farmers and consumers find each other. People find high-quality goods, and farmers get the opportunity to sell them. The goal of our organization is to effectively develop the culture of agricultural products in our state. In addition, we focus on the development of gastronomy. The LavkaLavka brand expands the market for the sale of goods, while operating the largest site. We work on the vastness of the Internet. Our cooperative has its own restaurant, serving only healthy dishes from natural products, exclusively organic food, this is one of our distinctive features.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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Green bar

Green bar

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 8500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 5
firstCategory: Farm, Farm shop, Farmer shop
GreenBar is an automatic vertical growing system. Thanks to the design, consisting of modules that fit on top of each other, GreenBar can be used in different places - both in shopping centers and sales areas, in restaurants, and in small bistros and shops. The beds are located one above the other in special containers. We use a hydroponic system - the vegetables and herbs grown do not require land and they absorb all the required substances directly from the solution for nutrition. Lighting is provided by a LED system. Grow greens and microgreens in your kitchen with the GreenBar system with the least effort and hassle-free use! It is enough to plant the seeds and just add water! Fresh greens will be in demand in growing for restaurants and shops. The system works in a closed cycle, containers with herbs are placed inside the device.
City franchise
City franchise

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article Franchise. Farm


A farm franchise is a profitable project in the long term, in the implementation of which, it is worth remembering you have taken on a certain set of obligations. Firstly, this is the payment of a lump-sum fee at the start, and secondly, the obligation to purchase certain inventory or resources from the franchisor. Third, if you are franchising a farm, you will be paying two types of contributions on a monthly basis. The first one is called royalties, and its volume varies from 2 to 6% of monthly income or turnover. The second installment in the realization of farm franchise is the need to pay from 1 to 3% for advertising activities on a global scale. The franchisor uses these financial resources to ensure that the level of popularity of the brand does not weaken.

Ultimately, those indicators that do not grow, as a rule, degrade. If you decide to start a farm, then purchase a franchise suitable to this purpose. You should also remember when implementing this kind of business, you need to pay special attention to various details, even seemingly insignificant ones. Optimize your farm with a franchise to become the most successful and competitive businessman. Your business project should pay off, which means, do everything to ensure that it functions properly. For this, a franchise is acquired to be guided by the rules of a successful company and to create a business using working and proven patterns.

Optimize your farm with a franchise and produce high-quality products. This helps you increase your budget revenue by attracting more customers. Eventually, by operating a franchise, you can bring your business to a completely new level of professionalism. You have technologies, know-how, business plans, information about those mistakes that are often encountered during fulfillment, and thus the ability to avoid them. A farm franchise provides you with a constant flow of investment, so you have a high level of attractiveness. A large number of customers trust the company that operates on a girder franchise because people have a high level of trust concerning brands known around the world.

So you, using a popular trademark, able to promote your farm in a representative office of a foreign organization. A ranch franchise will function flawlessly if you adhere to the dress code, design code, regulations, and rules. This is why you interact with the franchisor so he provides comprehensive information on how to do business. Build a farm using the templates provided and accurately copy the original brand. This helps you effectively deal with any challenges that may arise during the implementation of a business project.

article Franchise. Farmer shop


A franchise for a farmer's store will provide a full-fledged development of office work in strict accordance with the submitted documentation. Strive to be as authentic as possible so that consumers appreciate your high-quality service. Moreover, when working with a franchise, you need to copy the original techniques in everything. It is not only the appearance and dress code for the staff, but it is also, above all, high-class service and a good pallet of products. High-quality franchise service can be provided by courteous and courteous staff at your store. They must always be correct when interacting with contacting customers.

Even if they behave inappropriately and are rude, you need to clearly answer within the law and in no case break down to the level of a bazaar trader. If you are a farmer, then franchise your store. Then you will have a chance to reach a completely new level when interacting with people who have applied. You will be able to serve them with high quality, providing high quality and unique service. The farmer needs to carry out business within the franchise store in such a way as not to violate the law. In addition, strict adherence to the franchisor's instructions is also a prerequisite for success.

Develop your business project correctly and efficiently, without losing sight of the most important details. Your franchise for a farmer's store will effectively fulfill all the functions assigned to it. The main thing is that you yourself should not be distracted by trifles and strictly follow the prescribed standards and regulations. Competent development of the assigned tasks provides not only an advantage in the fight against rivals. You will also be able to effectively dominate the market by attracting a huge number of new customers. If your franchised farmer store is good at serving your customers with high-quality products, they will want to come back to you.

This is the so-called word of mouth, which functions even when you do not fit into advertising at all. People just know that when they go to your franchised farmer store, they can count on quality handling, courteous conversation, and meaningful assortment advice. Franchise employees for a store should be aware of their range of products. After all, the farmer supplies different types of products, so you need to be clearly oriented.

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