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Franchise. Phone shop. Volkovskoe

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firstAn initial fee: 4400 $
moneyInvestment required: 13800 $
royaltyRoyalty: 1 $
timePayback. Number of months: 8
firstCategory: Phone repair, Phone shop
The Yabloko store-service implements a franchise, gives you the opportunity to repair, sell, service Apple-made equipment from the very first month of the start of operations. Service "Yabloko" is a franchise, under which is a service store. She specializes in the implementation of Apple appliances, as well as service. Profit is from 1,500,000 Russian rubles per calendar year. The franchisor, of course, guarantees you the opportunity to reach a net profit within 3 months. In this case, you are responsible for the subsequent repurchase of commodity stocks. Organize your activities on an area of 20 sq.m. This is a fairly popular project, and you will use our mechanisms and tools. They are created and patented under the Yabloko brand. Information about the organization: the first store of our network was opened in 2014, the area was 15 sq. M. We were able to reach average sales after 3 months had passed.
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article Franchise. Phone shop


A franchise for a phone store is a kind of activity, in the implementation of which you need to pay attention to the fact that you are an official distributor. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the brand and always serve consumers with a high level of quality, politely addressing each consumer who turns to you. When working with a franchise, you have a variety of obligations. First, your franchise store needs to strictly follow the prescribed regulations. This will ensure you not only receive a lot of money from satisfied customers. You will also be able to keep the exclusive distribution, as the franchisor will be happy because, working on a franchise for a phone store, you assume certain obligations.

With strict observance, you should not have any difficulties. Your store, where you sell phones, will be eagerly interacted with by consumers, as they will appreciate the high level of service. This will help the franchise. After all, the franchisor will share experience, technology, and know-how.

Phones in a franchised store should cost as much as they should, not more or less. With the help of the franchisor, you will be able to determine prices, form price segments, and also decide which related products can be sold. A well-functioning phone store franchise is your bridge to the future. After all, you will have every chance of winning in the confrontation with the most powerful opponents simply due to the fact that you will have at your disposal all the experience that has been accumulated over many years of successful work. The franchisor shares his experience, technology, and know-how not because he likes you. He provides an opportunity to implement a franchise for a phone store, as he has a direct vested interest.

He first receives a lump-sum contribution of up to 11%. Further, if you effectively franchise a phone store, on a monthly basis, you deduct 6 to 9% of the money you make. This is a contribution called royalties and royalties that is used by the franchise owner to promote the brand in the global arena.

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