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Franchise. Courses. Dzerzhinsky

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firstAn initial fee: 3700 $
moneyInvestment required: 1500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 5 %
timePayback. Number of months: 4
firstCategory: Courses
You will be able to quickly launch the project, at least 28 days will be required in order to carry out the preparatory activities. We provide assistance, your business project can receive assistance from us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during an annual period, you can receive an income of at least 2.5 million Russian rubles. There will be an opportunity to automate clerical operations, it is very profitable. How the project works: you will rent the pools on an hourly basis; you do not need to build a new pool: you can operate municipal institutions or a private pool. We will show you how to negotiate with the owner; you will have a constant influx of customers. We teach how to recreate the flow of customers, or we ourselves will make sure that the customer addresses exactly to your organization. Our trainers have a high level of qualifications, they will share their experience.
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firstAn initial fee: 15500 $
moneyInvestment required: 140000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 5 %
timePayback. Number of months: 16
firstCategory: Driving school, Courses, School
We have already thought of everything for you, you just need to take advantage of the already existing advantages. As part of our franchise, you receive a fully developed business model. There is a personal manager for your ongoing support. He will provide individual assistance. All partners at any stage of work receive full support from our organization. The sales team also works for the good of your organization by providing you with clients. You will be able to carry out marketing activities with the help of our organization, thereby attracting consumers. We are engaged in lead generation, you get customers from us, this is a centralized process. You will be able to work according to ready-made, fully worked out standards. You will receive an introductory training format. In addition, the provision of opportunities to improve qualifications will be provided on an ongoing basis.
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City franchise
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firstAn initial fee: 10500 $
moneyInvestment required: 24500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 260 $
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Courses, School
Why do people make a choice in favor of our franchise: we have opened more than 70 of our centers, we work in 6 countries of the world, and our organization is one of the fastest growing franchises. We expand on a regular basis, opening more and more new points. And you get the opportunity to enter a business project at a low cost, the amount will be 20,000 US dollars, and after making an investment, you will be able to implement office operations. Sapsan online is a project in which all programs are adapted, and you receive high-quality training in an online format. With the help of our organization, you will be able to attract consumers all over the world, you will implement a simple business model, you will not need to have any significant experience in the field of education.
City franchise
City franchise
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In-demand franchises

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firstAn initial fee: 2800 $
moneyInvestment required: 1700 $
royaltyRoyalty: 80 $
timePayback. Number of months: 3
firstCategory: Courses, School
Leadership School "Zvezda" As part of our leadership school, you will acquire the appropriate skills and qualities characteristic of people who are constantly leading, in addition, we are engaged in the formation of a strong personality, helping people to become successful. This school specializes in helping school children and preschoolers, however, we are not limited to just children. The variety of our assortment is really wide. For the educated, we provide a huge number of developmental programs, moreover, they are multidirectional in order to develop a personality of a multilateral nature. For example, we have the Country of Leaders program. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn management skills, will be able to create a variety of businesses, will have the opportunity to learn how people make money, some of them will have the opportunity to build cities, some will learn to be more creative and proactive.
City franchise
City franchise
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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article Franchise. Courses


Franchise courses are a promising business project in the implementation of which you can earn a lot of money. Of course, it must be implemented strictly in accordance with the plan that you draw up with the help of the franchisor. He is ready to provide you with information in the current format in order for you to succeed. It is beneficial to interact with a franchise, if only because you already have a well-promoted brand at your disposal. This greatly improves your level of competitiveness compared to companies that do not have such an advantage. The franchise must be implemented in such a way that your income while carrying out office work is significantly higher than if you worked alone.

This applies not only to courses but also to any type of entrepreneurial activity. Pay due attention to the courses and then, you will have every chance of achieving impressive results in the competition. Of course, a franchise gives you an advantage, however, it costs money.

It is necessary to take courses with attention to detail and in compliance with all standards. After all, you get comprehensive information from the franchise representatives on how to act effectively and avoid mistakes. All the work experience collected by the franchisor will be at your disposal, therefore, it will be possible to clearly act according to the regulations and achieve impressive results. A franchise for courses will provide you with an influx of consumers. After all, people will see that you operate under the brand name of a well-known trademark and provide high-quality services. Consumers appreciate a high level of service; therefore, it must be maintained at a level.

In addition, when selling a franchise for courses, you should keep in mind that a check may come to you at any time. The check can be open but unexpected commission. And also, a so-called mystery shopper can check your franchise for the club. A brand representative will come to you under the guise of a customer and will use the service or purchase goods. Further, he will leave feedback to the franchisor about how much he liked your service. Therefore, when franchising courses, each consumer should be treated as an undercover brand spokesperson.

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