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Franchise. Esoteric shop. Nigeria. Long

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firstAn initial fee: 2000 $
moneyInvestment required: 7500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 250 $
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Esoteric shop
Franchise COMMERCIAL OFFER FOR FRANCHISE OF Esoteric shop "AFAT". I, Zharganova Anfisa Vladimirovna, the founder of the esoteric center "AFAT", which includes the world's only museum of "Magic and Handicrafts", an esoteric salon, a school of magic and a professional esoteric store, I offer you cooperation! Not so long ago, I decided to expand my activities and organize a network of esoteric stores. FIELD OF ACTIVITY. Unlike many existing esoteric shops, souvenirs, interior decorations and beautiful trinkets are not sold in my store - every item on sale is directly related to witchcraft and carries not only aesthetic, but also magical content. In the AFAT store, any customer can: - get advice from an esoteric specialist - pick up an item (talisman, amulet, candle, incense, etc.) that will help solve (or change) a particular problem
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article Franchise. Esoteric shop


An esoteric store franchise is a rather specific business project designed for a strictly defined target audience. Working in cooperation with a franchise, you receive a very significant advantage in the form of the opportunity to exploit a well-known and promoted trademark throughout the world. The main thing is that your magic store privilege is also known in your city. Apply all the known technologies that franchisers provide you then none of your competitors even resist you. An esoteric shop franchise must be used to ensure constant solvency. Hence, you need to choose the most suitable location to host this type of business project.

Your outlet within the esoteric area franchise should be in close proximity to potential customers, as it is more convenient to contact you. An esoteric store that operates under a privilege is characterized by a special design. It is carried out in accordance with the design code you receive from the franchisor.

Furthermore, the clothes of your employees must correspond to the original pattern the franchisor provides you. Work with magic store franchises in full compliance with a set of regulations so you do not have any difficulties in the future. If you do not comply with the regulations, you do not pass the test. Checking can be, for example, a secret shopper comes to you. When implementing such kind of a franchise, the appearance of a mystery shopper is a common practice, in general, as for any other type carried out under a prerogative activity. Franchising generally has a tendency to test exclusive distributors.

Working with an esoteric prerogative is a business project, during the implementation of which you need to carry out advertising activities very carefully. Your target audience is very specific, thus, you need to select people in strict accordance with the regulations. You will have them since you can count on receiving all the necessary information from the franchisors.

article Franchises in Nigeria


Franchises in Nigeria will be used by clients as well as in all other countries of the world, with a common path to success. A modern and sought-after franchise, in a country like Nigeria, you can fully integrate into the ranks of work processes, with detailed thoughtful every step. A unique franchise will be able to significantly raise the economic position of the company, which will increase Nigeria in its turnover. With minimal risks, you will be able to start developing a franchise project, which has a well-thought-out technical part with all step-by-step actions. If you understand the need for additional information, then feel free to contact the representatives of the brand for seminars. With the receipt of the information on the project, you will receive a whole range of different formulas that will help develop entrepreneurial activity by obtaining the desired result.

To create a business, the client does not have to spend time on an idea and worry about making the right choice, since the franchisee will carry out the most important aspects of the work. The decision to choose a franchise in Nigeria will receive a heated discussion that will show how the right choice is.

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