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Franchise. Speed reading. Great Britain. Yasinovataya

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IQ007 international network of schools for speed reading and intelligence development

IQ007 international network of schools for speed reading and intelligence development

firstAn initial fee: 6000 $
moneyInvestment required: 8000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 250 $
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Children's educational center, Education, Speed reading, School children, It is a school for children, Children's programming, Children's programming school, Educational services, Training
Description of the franchise by the franchisor: The international network of schools for speed reading and intelligence development IQ007 is the first training center aimed at developing all intellectual abilities (memory, speech, attention, thinking, reading) in adults and children from 4 years old. IQ007 is currently a dynamically developing network of centers for the development of intelligence. Today IQ007 is one of the absolute leaders in the market of additional education for children and adults, in 2018 it took 1st place in Forbes as the most profitable franchise. IQ007 in numbers: Over 10 years, 510 schools have been opened in 295 cities of Russia and the CIS countries. The unique experience of working with children and adults made it possible to organize a Training Center for the training of teachers, over 5 years we have trained 3,100 specialists. More than 230,000 children and adults have become our graduates, which means they have become more successful and self-confident.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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firstAn initial fee: 5000 $
moneyInvestment required: 2200 $
royaltyRoyalty: 85 $
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Speed reading, School
A school called Schoolford is an author's project, where they learn speed reading, the development of intelligence and memory, both for adults and children, while specializing in interaction with children from the age of four, as well as with adults up to 60 years old. In our activity, we use only the best and proven in practice methods that are really effective, in addition, we ourselves create and apply author's certified methods. Our activity is based on individual work with each visitor. We manage to identify a variety of difficulties that our clients have to face, the methods are adapted to ensure that the result is as high as possible. The goal of our organization is to develop a sustainable skill that will accompany the consumer throughout his life.
City franchise
City franchise

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article Franchise. Speed reading


The franchise for speed reading is a very profitable business project in the future. So that you do not have any difficulties in its implementation, calculate in advance the risks and opportunities that you will have to deal with. Working on a franchise, you will incur several obligations to the franchisor, also to the state. You need to not only comply with the laws and regulations but also strictly follow the regulations that you receive from the franchisor. It is in your best interests because you should therefore contact the franchisor to provide you with up-to-date information for the competent implementation of a business project. Implement your franchise at the highest level of efficiency and become the most competitive and successful entrepreneur.

You need to do a little more for consumers than your direct competitors. This provides a good competitive edge. If you are a speed reader, the franchise will help you determine how you need to market your products and who your immediate target audience is. Of course, the franchisor advertises the brand in the global arena, however, you need to pay attention to the promotion yourself. You must at least make it clear that you have entered this market and can provide a completely new exclusive type of product. Franchise speed reading should be given due consideration, as this type of service may be on the market. Provide the service better than potential opponents and then you will be fine.

A speed reading franchise requires you to pay a monthly installment called royalties. In addition, there is an additional obligation. You will be required to advertise on a global scale using this type of business project. Work with your target audience with the maximum level of efficiency and then you will have the opportunity to achieve impressive results in the competition. The franchise for speed reading will provide a high level of visibility in the implementation of office operations. You will be able to effectively cover any price segment.

You can also work with targeted advertising, implementing it according to the provided sample. A high level of coverage when interacting with a speed reading franchise is a chance to achieve impressive results of competitive confrontation with minimal financial costs. Observe all the provided standards and then, you will not have any difficulties with a significant plan. A conscientious approach and a unique assortment can become your unique characteristics, using which you will achieve impressive results. The franchise for speed reading must be carried out following a clear dress code. This means that your employees will be dressed in uniforms with a unique pattern that you can get from the franchisor.

article United Kingdom Franchises


Franchises in England have developed significantly in the past few years, helping employees build their own business on a global scale. For many business owners, it is much easier and more expedient to take on a ready-made franchise project while in a country like England than to come up with ideas on their own with a subsequent development process. You will be able to choose a convenient and suitable franchise, in connection with which you will be able to penetrate into England in a capital way, with your project, for the development of which new horizons and prospects will open. With the process of developing a modern idea of a franchise in England, it must be emphasized that different risks can be minimized, in connection with which you can be convinced of the presence of some kind of protection for the company that has developed the strategy. For the formation of various documentation, as well as improving knowledge of marketing direction and advertising, franchise sellers in England are able to fully inform customers with seminars and training. The most correct solution will be the buyer for the acquisition of a franchise in England, which will efficiently and efficiently help to establish their own business activities with access to the international level.

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