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Franchise. Hookah. Kasansai

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firstAn initial fee: 6400 $
moneyInvestment required: 40000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 250 $
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Bar, Hookah, Cafe, Beer pub, Bar shop, Beer bar shop, Wine bar, Fresh bar, A pub, Beer, Beer restaurant, Family cafe, Self-service cafe
Franchise description: Premium Hookah club is a chain of premium hookahs in the Republic of Belarus. Trade mark: "MINT", "MINT ON KOLASA", "MYATABREST". "Mint Terrace", "PREMIUM HOOKAH CLUB". At first glance, the hookah bar is a great place where you can relax after work smoking a hookah, drink tea, meet with friends, and hold negotiations in a comfortable atmosphere. But from an investment point of view, this is a successful business model that combines a Lounge bar, a tea house, an anti-cafe and a smoking area. The high margin of the hookah business allows you to quickly return investments and make money on the project. The training of our specialists was carried out by experienced Russian and Czech colleagues who have extensive experience in the hookah business. Why is it profitable to work with us? - We have a lot of experience. Three own establishments and three have been opened with our help. An affiliate hookah bar in Prague that helps us master the latest technologies in the hookah business.
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firstAn initial fee: 8500 $
moneyInvestment required: 70500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 4 $
timePayback. Number of months: 9
firstCategory: Hookah
The Dut brand is an opportunity to realize a premium-class lounge zone by franchise. The Dut brand began its existence in 2018, but our organization has existed for much longer. Dut is part of a holding called FOODCREW. This holding was opened in 2009. The first establishment of the holding was a cafe called Rocknroll, there were 8 seats. Today the FOODCREW holding is a recognizable, popular and powerful brand that operates in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of public catering. In addition, we also open our own establishments throughout the rest of the Russian Federation. The holding includes a large number of Roknrolly family cafes, a chain of hookah bars under the Dut brand, a TYAP-LYAP pizzeria, and a PIPA pizza-pasta bar. In addition, we work in the street food format. A cafe called "Shaurmishka" is being implemented in this format.
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Hookah Lounge Bar

Hookah Lounge Bar "Euphoria"

firstAn initial fee: 2200 $
moneyInvestment required: 8800 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 4
firstCategory: Hookah
Description of the Hookah Lounge Bar franchise offer. The franchise of the brand is a cozy place where, while lighting a hookah, you can really not be ashamed of anything, and smoke for your pleasure enjoying the aroma and exhaling puffs of smoke. In addition, you can drink a high-quality and very tasty-smelling tea drink originally from China, or just relax, enjoying the comfortable atmosphere of the establishment. The franchise offer of our organization under the Hookah Lounge Bar brand is as follows: You can take a package called Light - this is a light package that provides the following features: we will conduct a webinar, your staff will receive a master class from our specialists. We will also assist with the opening of a business project and its introduction. All this will be carried out by us on a remote basis, using communication means.
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Professor SMOKE

Professor SMOKE

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 70500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 10
firstCategory: Hookah
The brand called "Professor SMOKE" is nothing more than a hookah in a conceptual format, they professionally carry out activities to provide leisure to their consumers. And we have created the following slogan for the institution: "recreation as a science." When interacting with our organization, you get a universal atmosphere, the institution is suitable for any event, it can be a date in a romantic format, a noisy party, banquets in which a huge number of visitors take part, you can also celebrate a birthday, and, importantly, any format holidays and feasts, this is our specialty. Console battles are also held on the territory of our establishments, we even created a specialized play area, it is equipped with PlayStation 4 consoles that are connected to wide-format screens. In addition, a huge number of board games can be chosen by a visitor in order to relax on the territory of our high-class establishment.
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Mint Shop

Mint Shop

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 17000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Hookah, Lounge bar
Mint Shop - hookah shops from the Mint Lounge chain. The Mint Shop appeared on 04/05/2020 - and in fact, this is a new branch of the Mint Lounge franchise. Our original design and corporate logo make it possible to rapidly increase revenue and increase the flow of visitors. Mastering a new business area allows you to quickly reach the target audience from a specific city, and the trust of visitors to the franchise is considered a plus when attracting new customers. What kind of project should be in every locality - launch it with our cooperation and put your hand in the formation of the industry in the future! The Peppermint Shop was launched during the quarantine period, to the delight of lovers of the Peppermint Lounge franchise and business partners. Different formats allow for tasting areas and for wholesale customers. When we opened our shop for tobacco and smoking accessories, it became clear to us that such a business could be a profitable business for a young franchisee. We'll show you why.
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article Franchise. Hookah


A hookah franchise is a potentially risky but quite profitable business project. For its correct implementation, it is necessary to study in great detail the regional legislation, because what is allowed in one country may be absolutely unacceptable on the territory of another. Working with a franchise generally implies the need to clearly study the legal norms, therefore, in order not to get into a difficult situation when a fine or other sanctions are imposed on you. Exercise caution when franchising for specific marketable products. A hookah franchise is just such an activity when you bear certain risks due to the fact that such products may be prohibited for standard promotion. You will not be able to run an advertisement for a hookah franchise if it is prohibited by law in your state.

We'll have to use other ways to promote, coming up with something new. For example, a hookah franchise can be promoted in the Instagram community by ordering ads from bloggers, also using other non-traditional methods. The launch of targeted advertising and promotion on Facebook may be completely prohibited. You should pay attention to this fact so that it does not come as a surprise to you in the future.

If you are engaged in hookah, then you need to choose a franchise that is known in the territory of your city. The worldwide fame of the hookah franchise may not play the role that you envision for it if no one knows the designated brand in your city. That is why it is necessary to prepare in advance, analyze competitors, and also carry out other preparatory events. Hookah is characterized by the peculiarity of such a plan that it simply cannot be advertised using standard methods. Even if you are working with a franchise, this does not relieve you of legal responsibility. That is why, when working with a hookah franchise, you need to clearly understand that you will often have to promote products using unconventional methods.

You will have to invent something new in order to notify the target audience about your coming to the market. A variety of informal promotion channels will help a lot when it comes to a hookah franchise. Such a business project must be implemented with extreme caution and a thorough approach since the risks are very high. But, if the risk is high, the profit can be large, respectively.

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