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Franchise. Household appliances store. Berehomet

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firstAn initial fee: 13300 $
moneyInvestment required: 48000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 2
firstCategory: Household appliances store
About the franchisor IXINA is an international kitchen retail chain that has been operating for over 40 years. Year of foundation - 1971. Country of origin - Belgium. Country of origin - Germany. IXINA is part of the FBD (Franchise Business Division) group, Europe's leader in the sale of kitchens. The FBD Group owns the Cuisines Plus, Cuisines References and IXINA stores. In the European market, this franchise group is the leader in the sale of kitchens. The FBD Group in 2012 achieved a turnover of 405 million euros in 286 showrooms around the world. Since 2003, IXINA has been part of the Snaidero Group, the European leader in the production and retail of kitchens. IXINA is a member of the Federation of European Partnerships and Franchise Companies of the French Franchise Federation. IXINA has been repeatedly recognized as the best in the competition of franchise companies and partnerships held in France.

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article Franchise. Household appliances store


A franchise for a home appliance store is a rather risky business project due to the high level of competition. But, since you work on a franchise, you have every chance of achieving significant results in a confrontation with opponents. Your franchise will be appreciated by consumers; therefore, the store will receive due attention. You must immediately maintain a high level of service so that consumers are not disappointed and come back. Your store will also be reckoned with if the household appliances you sell are of a high-quality level. Of course, the franchise will help with this.

After all, you will get access to high-quality products from franchisors. But you can even negotiate a preferential price. Household appliances in the store must be sold in full compliance with the business regulations that you receive from the franchise representatives. In addition, the level of security must be high, since you store and sell very expensive inventories.

Optimize your storage space so that household appliances are stored as efficiently as possible and do not waste a lot of resources on maintenance. After all, within a franchise store, it is impossible to keep all inventory out of stock. It will be needed in any case, which means that proper attention should be paid to its optimization. Working with a franchise for a home appliance store also implies the need to effectively reach the target audience. The most intelligent option would be to interact with a variety of price segments. This way you will be able to fully reach the target audience and not leave a single consumer unserved.

You need to take over neighboring markets by franchising a home appliance store. This is where a well-designed business project that you receive from a franchisor will help. Sell your ads through social media, media, televisions, and the Internet. Launch targeted advertising to ensure that the franchise for a household clothing store has a constant effective demand. Indeed, the Internet is often not poor people who may be interested in household appliances and come to your store. And the franchise will provide a high-quality design in a corporate style.

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