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Franchise. clothing industry. Letichev

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firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 31500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: clothing industry
The Brusnika brand is considered quite young and ambitious, but it is precisely these qualities that have made it possible to achieve success in a short period of time. The company's goal is to create comfortable, high-quality clothing that will be distinguished by its practicality and attractive appearance. To create clothes, German and Italian fabrics, natural cashmere, wool, cotton are used - exactly what the organization is ready to offer. The franchise will allow you to distribute and create high-quality clothing that will appeal to all lovers of natural fabrics. Japanese knitting equipment will surprise many, since it is impossible to find such devices on the market of our country.
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article Franchise. clothing industry


A franchise for a garment industry is an interesting, relevant, but potentially risky business project, because, as with any other type of entrepreneurial activity, you will have certain threats to your success. To overcome them, act in strict accordance with the regulations and the previously created business plan. By implementing a franchise, you agree at the initial stage to pay a certain fee, called a lump sum. In addition to the lump-sum fee, working with a sewing franchise, you will also be required to pay the franchisor every month. Firstly, this is a royalty, which will be calculated as a certain percentage of the income that you managed to get at your disposal in a month. If you are a sewing franchisee, the net benefits far outweigh the commitments you make.

You pay only 9% monthly, while at the same time you get the opportunity to promote your brand on the world stage without any investment at all, carrying out office operations. In addition, you will have unique, high-class technology and effective know-how at your disposal. Give your garment franchise the proper attention and think about how you need to reach your target audience using advertising guidelines.

In addition to advertising activities, almost any operations related to garment production will be regulated within the framework of the franchise. It is very practical and convenient since you do not need to invent something, develop projects, and do other difficult things. You are already setting up business processes according to a ready-made business plan, which greatly saves resources. For a garment manufacturing franchise, you pay a maximum of 9% of your monthly activity. This is not much given the number of benefits you can exploit. Work with SMM, mass media, media, television advertising.

All this will help you make it clear to potential consumers that you have opened a franchise for garment production in your city. Consumers will eventually realize that your level is much better than that of local producers. Therefore, you will enjoy a good reputation, and it will not be difficult to maintain it.

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