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Burger. My city. Major franchises over $ 100,000

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Burger king

Burger king

firstAn initial fee: 35000 $
moneyInvestment required: 388000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 5 %
timePayback. Number of months: 18
firstCategory: Burger, Burger club
Franchise. At the moment we are in search of courier organizations in the regions, they must have an already formed courier staff, cars or motorcycles must be presented, and we have to carry out branded delivery of products under the Burger King brand. It will be carried out from the restaurants of the chain to the place where the guests are. Delivery mode starts at 10:00 am and ends at 10:00 pm on a daily basis. Delivery zones are about 5 or 6 km, we do not deliver further, the restaurant must be quite close, the food must not cool down. We are absolutely ready to interact with all organizations who want to carry out office work in accordance with our standards in the long term: we deliver within 30 minutes, in addition, we have a three-point scheme, which means that 10 minutes are required to arrive at the territory points of supply, the remaining 20 minutes you should take delivery to the consumer.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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City grill express

City grill express

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 102000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Burger, Burger club
The City Grill Express brand is the oldest burger chain in the Russian Federation that creates craft samples. We were able to carry out the opening of the first restaurant in the territory of the year in the city of St. Petersburg in 2010. The design was made in the style that is typical for a North American burger. More than a hundred different flavors are available, which are woven into unique combinations. The recipes are provided by the owner of fast food restaurants. His name is Evgeny Arkhipov. We provide premium serving of burgers, while the price is always affordable and stable. You can even say that our prices are two times lower than those of direct competitors, which makes our product very competitive. We make buns with our own hands, make cutlets, use exclusively marbled beef. We make sauces ourselves, fry potatoes. Our brand is a really cool brand that has been tested by Revizorro.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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Ketchup burgers

Ketchup burgers

firstAn initial fee: 8800 $
moneyInvestment required: 211500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 6 %
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Burger, Fast food, Burger club, Fast food, Fast food cafe, Fast food restaurant, Street food
The KETCH UP brand is a restaurant complex designed for visitors who have talents, have youth, strive for success and develop dynamically. This is a specialized restaurant that is popular in big cities, metropolitan areas and metropolitan areas. You can meet with business partners within our restaurant, and you can also meet with your friends and enjoy a noisy company, have a nice time with your family, come for lunch or arrange a delicious lunch on the territory of our institution. It all started in 2014, on the territory of the city of St. Petersburg, when we opened our first establishment and began the path to success. Our brand chef, whose name is Vladimir Pavlov, he was also a TV presenter in the framework of the show called "Hell's Kitchen", creates our branded burgers, in addition, he is a representative of the TV channel under the brand name "Food".
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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article Franchise. Burger


A burger franchise is a potentially profitable business project, by implementing which you can significantly improve the material well-being of both yours and the franchisor. After all, the franchisor expects to deduct contributions from your company on a monthly basis. Open a burger in places where your franchise will be in demand. For example, these can be points of sale located near a business center, university, or even a school. There is nothing difficult in developing a burger business, especially if you have a franchise at your disposal. However, some difficulties may still come your way.

Competition can become the main difficulty. After all, your rivals are not going to give up the market shares that they already occupied before you decided to expand. That is why you should properly prepare by carrying out a preliminary analysis of competitive activities. It would also be useful to carry out an execution and swot analysis, which allows you to clearly understand what advantages and disadvantages you will have at your disposal after starting a business project. Of course, a franchise will provide you with a significant advantage, however, this is often not enough to achieve success.

A well-functioning burger franchise is, for example, McDonald's, and the fast-food restaurants of this global company are located all over the world. There is nothing special about these burgers, however, the franchise works, therefore, success is ensured no matter what the filling. Of course, some food quality standards are maintained within this organization, however, more attention is paid to advertising. The brand itself is of paramount importance. That is why, when implementing a franchise for a burger, you should pay close attention to which competitors you will have to compete within the struggle for markets. People simply may not come to a franchise representative, which they do not know for sure, therefore, carry out a preliminary search for information, conduct analytical work, study statistics.

This will help you understand what risks are threatening you and what opportunities are available for the implementation of a business project. An effective burger franchise needs to make enough money to cover your costs and also be able to share the income with the franchisor.

article Major franchises


Large franchise brands with a well-known name, take a leading position in the market, around the world. Big deals, big profits and this is no secret to anyone. Those who have money do not waste time on trifles, opening immediately a large network of restaurants, shops, beauty salons, barbershops, hotel complexes, gas stations, etc. The most famous brands are McDonald's, Holiday Inn, Subway, Chanel, Gucci, Dior, Zara, and many others. Every day there are more and more of them. Why is purchasing a cheap or large franchise so in demand? Everything is elementary simple.

There is no need to start everything from scratch, this is especially effective for beginners who do not figure out either the foundation or the management on their own. When purchasing a franchise, large, medium, or cheap, you should understand that in addition to the plan, you get support from franchisors, our specialists, with a plan and further instruction, advice on promotions, and advertising. Open a business, starting not from scratch, but with the support of a shark business. At the same time, with large turnovers, the percent deducted to franchisors is insignificant, recouping all costs from the first month. When cooperating with a catalog of the franchise, you take risks with a minimum percentage when evaluating the work of a particular company, taking into account the duration of activity in the market, fees, and other parameters. Also, the store available to receive analytical reports daily, weekly, monthly, annually. Also, in the catalog is available to see the classification of all large franchises (from expensive to cheap), specifying the place (region).

The initial payment, taking into account the lump-sum payment and the terms of the transaction with the founders, to assess the demand for the status in the market and other data. Another plus in acquiring a large franchise is that there is no need to waste time optimizing resources.

For more information, please contact our specialists using the provided contact numbers. Send a request by e-mail, as well as go to the catalog of the large franchise to get acquainted with the price offer, the names of the large or cheap franchise, read customer reviews (franchisees and franchisors). We thank you in advance for your interest and look forward to long-term cooperation.

article Franchise. Burger club


The burger club franchise is a relevant project, and when implementing it, one should not forget about the study of statistics. After all, getting up-to-date statistics and performing analytics based on them gives you an edge in the competition. If you work for a franchise, you become a more successful entrepreneur than if you were working on your own. This is not a rule that has no exceptions, however, in general, it is. Implement your franchise and then the burger will be of high quality, and its taste surely is appreciated by consumers. This is a fairly popular type of fast food, which is becoming more and more preferred, thus, it is necessary to offer such type of product.

If you want to go into a burger business and start your own club, a franchise will help. Its availability provides you with up-to-date information, high-class technologies, the ability to build a unique production chain. You are hardly able to collect and prepare all this on your own, especially in a short time. So you get all the information you need and you just need to start acting. Run your burger club franchise with business awareness and ongoing analytics. It never hurts to stay up-to-date, and you may be able to prevent unwanted developments.

If you're running a burger club franchise, churning your customer base can help you cope. The main thing is to determine in advance the starting point of the process. Then you have every chance of overcoming difficulties with the maximum result for yourself. Give your franchise burger club the attention it deserves by performing the design, both externally and internally, in accordance with the regulations. You receive a complete set of dress codes, design codes, and other information. This helps you bring the burger club in full alignment with the original.

You need to strive to be as similar to the franchisor as possible. This is precisely the meaning of the franchise. You buy for a while the right to carry out your activities in strict accordance with the original, do not invent anything, do not invest money in the further development of the brand on an independent basis. Even advertising within the framework of the burger club in the global arena launched by the franchisor on its own, you just have to participate in this financially by making monthly deductions. The burger dish will be delicious and will attract customers.

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