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Sushi. Pavlograd. Payback of the franchise from 4 months to 1 year

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Sushi Master

Sushi Master

firstAn initial fee: 14000 $
moneyInvestment required: 22500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 5 %
timePayback. Number of months: 9
firstCategory: Sushi, Sushi rolls, Sushi shop, Sushi bar, Sushi pizza
Sushi Master is a company that appeared in 2013 on the territory of a settlement called Tyumen. This organization implements activities under the franchising system, it began working within this system in 2017. To date, there are 120 points belonging to the organization, and these are all those points of sale that belong to the organization. Three points of sale have already been opened for the franchise. This is a restaurant, a kind of business project, which is also equipped with a delivery service. At the same time, there is also a “take with you” format, when you can order and pick up, eat on the go, or sit down somewhere. You can come and pick up the ordered dishes whenever the client wants, and of course, they can also order delivery. If you acquire the right to carry out activities under our franchise, become our full-fledged partner, then we are ready to provide high-quality comprehensive assistance. We will support you in the implementation of any office work.
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firstAn initial fee: 8800 $
moneyInvestment required: 14000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 6 %
timePayback. Number of months: 5
firstCategory: Sushi, Sushi rolls, Sushi shop, Sushi bar, Sushi pizza
Food ordering with delivery. This type of activity is more and more popular today. Moreover, this market is growing, and round-the-clock delivery of food in general often comes to the fore, people more and more often want to receive their products at night, this is where there is a niche for expanding activities and entering the market. On the territory of Novosibirsk, this service enjoys a high level of popularity, there is effective demand. People want to order food, an organization called HARAKIRI has the experience. For 13 years HARAKIRI has been successfully delivering food, our specialists are ready to provide the client with the opportunity to bring delicious dishes at any moment, which were prepared within the framework of traditional Japanese, European and Chinese cuisine. Any dish to order in the shortest possible time is our specialty. And you can ask the question, why did you need to deliver food to your home at all?
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firstAn initial fee: 5000 $
moneyInvestment required: 35000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 4 %
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Sushi, Sushi rolls, Sushi shop, Sushi bar, Sushi pizza
Possibility to order rolls, sushi and wok. The organization called "VilkiNet" allows its consumers to enjoy the service of delivering delicious Chinese and Japanese cuisine, moreover, you can order food both to the office and to your home. And our organization offers to taste delicious products, for example, we prepare rolls, sushi, and we also specialize in delicious rice cooking. The VilkiNet brand gives you the opportunity to enjoy healthy and tasty food that we cook in front of your eyes, and we use a specialized frying pan, originally from China, it is called a wok. The main secret of the dishes in our organization is the efficiency of cooking, while using a high-temperature frying pan, which bears the name of a wok, thanks to its use, all vitamins and trace elements remain after the cooking process is completed, and you can enjoy delicious food, and at the same time get from it benefit.
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In-demand franchises

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firstAn initial fee: 8000 $
moneyInvestment required: 8800 $
royaltyRoyalty: 350 $
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Sushi, Sushi rolls, Sushi shop, Sushi bar, Sushi pizza
A brand called Sushi Time Cheboksary delivers groceries to your home, we work in the city of Cheboksary, in addition, we have a representative office in the city of Novocheboksarsk, we also operate in the territory of the village of Kanash. Sushi Time is a brand under which a chain of cafe-bars operates, which prepare food of excellent taste, which is created from high-quality products, while the cooking process is prompt. The consumer can enjoy rolls, order pizza, enjoy delicious drinks, we also provide our customers with a huge variety of dishes that are sold in our centralized network. Cooking is carried out using only high-quality and natural products, and only after we receive the order, we do not keep ready-made products and do not heat them up, always only fresh dishes. We deliver to your home, you just need to specify the address.
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Sushi wok

Sushi wok

firstAn initial fee: 1500 $
moneyInvestment required: 26000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 3 %
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Sushi, Sushi rolls, Sushi shop, Sushi bar, Sushi pizza
Franchise offer from the Sushi Wok brand. The Sushi Wok trademark is the best optimal solution for any entrepreneur, both for novice distributors and for businessmen with extensive experience in the implementation of business projects. We carry out the process in accordance with traditional regulations, we are guided by high-class standards in our activities, and we also make well-thought-out decisions. That makes it possible for our organization to fit very organically into existing projects, or you can start your own project. If you are an investor who is just starting his investment activity, you will be completely immersed in business, as we are, because we will assist. We are ready to share our experience and talk about how to open a store that will bring huge profits. Every month you can count on at least 350 thousand Russian rubles. From our side, you receive high-quality training.
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article Franchise. Sushi


A sushi bars franchise allows opening your own business with an already established clientele, using technologies, menus, and operating principles. In fact, if you are a beginner, you want to start your own business, but there are difficulties in management, the right approach, it doesn’t matter. Today there is a catalog of the franchise, which presents current offers with the franchise, prices and conditions, and other nuances. The offers of franchise presented in the catalog appeal to everyone's liking and pocket. There are franchises of world-famous companies, as well as businesses that are not so well-known but have many points in a particular region. After going to the franchise catalog, it available to choose a worthwhile franchise, compare the relevance, get acquainted with the current original proposals and author's recipes.

Even calculate the particular brand payback period, calculating profits and other expenses. When you turn to the directory of sushi bars franchise, online delivery, you get a turnkey business, i.e. there is no need to worry about what will happen next. This mainly concerns newcomers, who, given the market and competition, do not know where to start and what principles to follow. Marketing, full support, providing information, consulting, instructing employees, selecting a location and design, supporting the development and promotion of the site, a mobile application synchronized with the management of the sushi plan, trips to the opening of new existing places, etc. provided to the franchisee when purchasing a franchise.

It is convenient and tempting, isn't it? Certainly, no one said it would be easy. This does not mean that you do not have to do anything, because while receiving complete information it is also worth maintaining the brand and quality, keeping customers and building new connections, expanding and increasing revenues. You build the format of work yourself, guided by the help of specialists. Why is it profitable to work with a handbook of the franchise? Everything is elementary simple. You do not need to analyze the market on your own, our specialists help in this matter and subsequent ones too, going to meetings and up to legal support on signing the franchisor and franchisee agreement. Furthermore, having turned to the franchise guidance, you should understand that there is no advertising need because SEO traffic allows ensuring recognition and demand. The cost of the franchise is not the entire payment that is envisaged.

Besides, it is worth remembering about the lump-sum payment, which becomes a guarantee for the franchisor when concluding a deal. The rights to use the name, brand of the sushi cafe with full information are provided after the payment of a lump sum. A lump-sum fee is paid in the amount of the summed-up costs of the sushi organization, from the payback period and the amount of income. The combined format of a cafe-restaurant and delivery is more profitable. A single land-based franchisor can have an unlimited number of franchisees based on location and demand. A single online sushi store, mobile application development, automation and software, efficiency, and high quality, instantly take root in the market, despite the competition. Small financial investments contribute to high growth and sales, income with the right choice and approach.

Everyone loves Japanese kitchen, ramen, onigiri, sushi, and thus the franchise of sushi is in demand. Remotely, the franchisor can conduct briefings, educational training. The pieces of training include a description of the sushi company, standards, and principles of work, the name of the types of sushi and production technology, with the preparation of business plans, sales management, and employees, controlling the work of the sushi enterprise. Don't worry about location and design, because the founders help in these matters as well as in training staff on all the chips, with the provision of data on suppliers and marketing events. Every day, offering customers delicious and beautiful-looking sushi that is divinely tasty and pleasant at a price, you will not know what competition is. When selling, you should be guided by the requirements of customers, because this type of business depends on the opinion of consumers. It is available to conduct an analysis and survey, for example, with each delivery, you are asked to evaluate the quality of products and services.

Make pleasant surprises for clients. Install software application, with the installation of PBX telephony, receiving a call and seeing customer data, referring to personal data, improving customer loyalty. Each business should be carefully planned, there should not be the slightest detail that escapes you and can negatively affect the operation of your restaurant. Why do you need to consider every little thing? Because even the service, delivery of food affect the work, demand, and status of the sushi restaurant, and no franchise help here. Full understanding, immersion in your business, is the key to success. With a franchise, it is possible to reduce risks, losses, and complete failure by doing what you love under the leadership of a large brand, with the unique opportunity to collaborate with a large and experienced team, inspiring customers' trust from scale and quality. A franchise is not just a sale of a business, but an ideological form of business expansion.

Public catering has always been more relevant than other areas of activity, taking into account the fact that everyone loves to eat deliciously, and if the price is also affordable, then you will not be equal. Moreover, Japanese cuisine does not leave anyone indifferent and covers all class societies. The main thing here is not to forget about accounting, counting on rapid development and high-quality calculation, prompt actions of accountants. It is also necessary to monitor employees daily so as not to lower the level and ratings. Going to the regional level, there is more demand. When analyzing and choosing a franchise, it is possible to obtain more information by contacting specialist consultants, who also send detailed information in a convenient format.

article Payback of the franchise


The return on investment of the franchise has a significant impact on the development of the organization that conducts collaborative business with USU Software. To get a payback on a franchise, you need to contact our specialists who can show potential financiers in a literal format a business development model. You are gradually able to establish biz with a return on monetary resources, in connection with which the franchise, as a product of the important work done, brings the necessary profit. It is much easier to develop a franchise return than it is to plan your upcoming business yourself. It should be noted that the risks of operating the investment return of the franchise significantly decrease if you fully comply with the advice that our specialists provide. To start your own business, the company USU Software can offer various programs and joint cooperation ideas about creating your own biz.

We can say that the working side of the chosen USU Software team is focused on the development of projects in the best way, with a significant contribution to the development of the company for the selected return of biz ideas. You can open an office with unique business proposals from our company USU Software, which has investment programs, as well as various investment projects developed with a complete detailed plan. It should be noted that opening a franchise with return on investment resources is worth the financial benefits that you need to invest. For the return period of the project, it is worthwhile to correctly calculate all the existing risks, which, in the case of acquiring a strategy, are practically reduced to zero. Granting the right to use a trademark, with the formation of marketing, legal and commercial aspects of managing a strategy with return on time, helps reduce the risk of collapse in the creation of franchise biz. Become a profitable business, with a franchise investment payback and, after a while, a fully operational project for which all the levers of pressure appear over time. Business with a draft investment return is currently very popular, with many different directions, from which each buyer can choose a project that suits his pocket.

It is better to buy a returning idea by discussing every nuance of risks with the experts of the company USU Software, who, to promote your ideas, conduct a full interview with you with a detailed study of the key project of the chosen format. If you are interested in learning more about USU Software company, we can recommend you visit our electronic site, where you will receive a complete list in the detailed form of useful information related to the provision of our payback investment projects. The site also provides a list of contact numbers and email addresses, as well as legal information to help buyers and interested parties contact our staff. In other words, our company USU Software, offering rental business, is proven by quality and efficiency, since it is much easier to develop a willing strategy than doing biz on your own. You can obtain a payback franchise with a full list of operating instructions, with a description of sales methods, to rapidly develop and expand the scope of activities, training employees. The cost of opening a commercial payback franchise varies depending on the brand awareness and the popularity of the partner organization. We can say that you pay money for an already thought out path to success, where there is a prepared development project, where to start, and how to act in the future to cope with situations.

In the future, you will find yourself on the way to your payback idea, as well as large-scale development opportunities through the unique projects of our investment company USU Software. The main task of the clients is the right choice of the franchise, to bring the project to return on investment. Our employees accompany you until you succeed, helping and suggesting the correct actions as needed. It should be noted that a profitable franchise is a good way to use someone else's biz model to start an entrepreneur. in a field without a large investment, using the name of the organization. Thus, each commercial firm acquires the rights to parallel cooperation and open its branch, having all the opportunities to achieve success in the shortest possible time. You must understand that to create your own high-quality and effective business, you just need to apply for a return franchise, willingly open your own business, cooperating with our qualified USU Software company.

article Franchise. Sushi rolls


A sushi and roll franchise are a very relevant, potentially profitable, but possibly risky project. To mitigate risks, carry out preliminary analytics. It will help you understand what to do when a difficult situation occurs. When working in sync with a franchise, you must be clearly aware of the fact that you have undertaken a number of different types of obligations to the franchisor. If they are not properly fulfilled, the right to exclusive distribution may simply be forfeited. The franchise for rolls must be carried out in such a way that no one has any claims.

And claims can easily arise, both from clients and from government agencies, which can declare with verification. But this does not end the list of risks that threaten you if you are implementing a franchise for sushi and rolls. For example, if you do not create food at the proper level of quality, then customers may laugh at you and stop using this kind of service. In addition, there is a very high level of probability that you will be tested using the mystery shopper method. This is a person who pretends to be your customer and comes to purchase goods or use the service. He does not pretend that he is checking. Further, using the services of your franchise for sushi and rolls, he leaves feedback to the franchisor.

Further, this information is used in order to make further decisions.

If you trade in rolls and sushi, then a franchise is absolutely essential. After all, not everywhere this kind of activity can be carried out without additional information and work experience. Rolls need to be given due attention, in general, like sushi. After all, this seafood is used raw, therefore, you need to avoid any inaccuracies during the process of their manufacture. The franchise will help you cope with the process of preparing complex dishes, as your senior partner already knows how to do this and will provide all the necessary information. A franchise is a customized type of business process, proven technologies, unique know-how and a well-promoted brand.

All this you get if you decide to implement the activity of creating and selling sushi and rolls for a franchise. And in return, you pay an absolutely small contribution, which does not even exceed 10% of your monthly income. In addition, a lump-sum fee is also provided, which you will have to pay immediately, as soon as you conclude an agreement and start creating your project. As a rule, the lump-sum payment for the sale of a franchise for sushi and rolls will be no more than 11% of the investment amount. This is an absolutely ordinary and unremarkable practice that all multinational companies are happy to use.

article Franchise. Sushi pizza


A franchise for sushi and pizza is a relevant and potentially profitable project, which, if developed correctly, will significantly increase the number of revenues that will be directed to the budget. By working with a franchise, you are making a commitment and in return, you get a whole host of the benefits of a substantial plan. If you are interested in a sushi franchise, the most viable option would be to contact the Japanese. They just invented this food, and better than them, hardly anyone will teach you how to create and sell it. Whether you work with sushi or pizza, a franchise will require an investment from you. First, this is a certain contribution, which is called a lump-sum deduction.

It is carried out once, at the initial stage. Further, by developing a franchise for sushi and pizza, you will be liable for a monthly deduction of a certain percentage of the income received. As a rule, this is no more than 9% of turnover or income received. All conditions are negotiated strictly individually, which means that you just need to enter into communication with the franchiser to clarify the circumstances of further cooperation. Sell sushi and pizza on a franchise and then, you don't have to come up with recipes, create a design, form a dress code. All this will be in your hands, you just have to pay a lump sum and conclude an agreement. It's not that hard, and the amount of bonuses you get as a result outweighs the disadvantages.

Another disadvantage of working with a pizza and sushi franchise is the need to always meet a high level of quality. On the other hand, it can even be categorized as an advantage, because you will always provide a high-quality service, therefore, consumers will appreciate such a solution. When working with a sushi and pizza franchise, you can also commit to purchasing parts directly from the franchisor. If this is Japan, then the delivery must be carried out by plane, or buy frozen goods. When working with a franchise, you are not only responsible to the franchisor. Of course, you will also need to comply with state health regulations and satisfy your customers in the best possible way.

After all, they are just your main asset, and reputation costs are generally unacceptable. A sushi franchise can enrich you if you make the right management decision when working with it. Prepare thoroughly by taking the necessary analytical activities. A detailed business plan for your sushi and pizza franchise will give you a competitive edge.

article Franchise. Sushi bar


A franchise for a sushi bar will function flawlessly only under the conditions of correct preparation and correct implementation. In general, working on a franchise, you already at the start have the opportunity to use many advantages that are not available to your opponents, who act on their own. Execute your sushi franchise with maximum efficiency, carrying out paperwork following the rules and regulations. And for this, you will have at your disposal all the necessary information that you need to be simple, use as intended. If you are interested in opening a franchise sushi bar, then choose the best one on the market. This is very easy to do by visiting a special site, which is usually called a franchise store.

There will be a selection of different types of options, from which you better choose the most suitable one that will fully meet your requirements. When you decide to go into a sushi bar, the franchise will help you set up your clerical operations under the very best standards and regulations. You don't have to invent something and suck it out of your finger, everything will be at your fingertips.

A competently implemented franchise, within which the sushi bar will operate per the original, will provide a constant and stable influx of customers. So people will turn to your company themselves, simply because they enjoyed interacting with such an organization the last time. Using empirical analysis, it will be possible to determine how many goods need to be produced so that, as part of a franchise for a sushi bar, you have the optimal quantity to serve customers. This is very convenient, as it allows you to avoid unnecessary spending and you do not have to leave resources the next day. Plus, if you're running a sushi bar franchise, any leftovers from yesterday are generally unacceptable. The franchise provides for high-quality implementation of a business project, and there is no need to waste time on trifles.

A sushi franchise is necessary simply because it is an overseas project and it is best to contact a Japanese brand representative.

article Franchise. Sushi shop


A franchise for a sushi store is an interesting and promising business project, which nevertheless contains a number of difficulties. In order not to encounter them in the process of work, before concluding an agreement with a franchisor, you must have a certain set of knowledge and be ready to apply it. Working on a franchise, you will fulfill a number of different types of obligations and therefore take the time to choose the best and most profitable option by comparing the proposed ones. If you want to work with a franchise sushi store, then keep in mind that in addition to obligations, there are a number of standards and regulations. This is a common practice for this type of store. Of course, the decoration of the premises and so on must be unified with the original one - this is one of the main conditions for a franchise.

Your shop should be of the best quality sushi. They can either be made or purchased - it all depends on your preferences. Everything you need will be provided by the franchisor - all that remains is to adapt and use for the benefit of the business. A franchise for a sushi store will provide you with income on a regular basis and you will not have to worry about paying counterparties, as well as deduct up to 9% for the franchisor's needs without any difficulty. This also includes royalties, lump-sum fees, and advertising deductions. A well-designed business plan when working with a franchise for a sushi store will also provide you with a significant competitive advantage.

Thus, this franchise is a profitable business project, however, for its successful development, discipline and adherence to the rules are required: only then can you achieve the desired result.

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