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Franchise. Cakes. Tyvrov

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Delicious place

Delicious place

firstAn initial fee: 3350 $
moneyInvestment required: 14500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 4.5 $
timePayback. Number of months: 7
firstCategory: Confectionery, Cakes, Bakery-confectionery, Candy store, Cafe-confectionery
A confectionery chain called "Tasty Place" is a successful project that specializes in the production and sale of cakes. We bake them by hand, using homemade recipes, and we only use products of natural origin. We are a team that has become real professionals in the manufacture of confectionery, for four years of our life we have been engaged in baking delicious cakes, it is generally unrealistic to resist them, they are so delicious. During each day, our production carries out manual assembly of hundreds of kilograms of cakes, while we have a high-quality assortment that allows us to meet the needs of our customers. Showcases are always filled with the most beautiful items. The concept of the organization is that we strive to create ideal conditions in which the creation of products can only be of high quality standards.
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firstAn initial fee: 3300 $
moneyInvestment required: 20000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 3.9 %
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Confectionery, Cakes, Bakery-confectionery, Candy store, Cafe-confectionery
The brand called "Tortomaster" is a store that opened in 2012 in Kaliningrad, the westernmost city of the Russian Federation. We now provide high quality tools and delicious ingredients to confectioners throughout the Russian Federation. Today the organization has a popular website and 20 full-fledged sales points. You can find out the addresses of these points by referring to the tab on the site called "Our Stores". Each sales center called "Tortomaster" provides customers with more than enough variety of assortment items. 25% of consumers become regular customers. At the same time, we also attract new customers, we are constantly expanding the audience. If you are implementing this kind of business project, but at the same time want to optimize it, "Tortomaster" will suit you.
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article Franchise. Cakes


A cake franchise is a potentially lucrative business venture where you need to choose an appropriate location where you will locate your store. But, as a rule, when interacting with a franchise, you receive full instruction. The instructions list possible places where the location of the outlet would be ideal. If you strictly follow the rules, you will most likely achieve success. When implementing a franchise, it is worth keeping in mind that you are committed to carrying out activities in accordance with a variety of obligations. First, when selling a cake franchise, it is imperative that your merchandise comes in branded packaging.

In addition, employees must adhere strictly to the dress code and communicate politely with consumers. The interior and exterior decoration of the premises is also important when implementing cake or another sweets franchise because people immediately recognize the outlet and this will be a kind of magnet for the consumer. Effectively decorated spaces are one of the criteria for success. But the content is also very important to maintain a high level of quality.

A franchise is nothing more than a long-term lease, the right to be the exclusive distributor of a certain brand. You can make a cake, or just sell a cake. Implementing a franchise provides you with a comprehensive set of up-to-date data. So, you get a completely ready-made business plan, which you just need to adapt to local legislation and norms that are accepted in this society. Of course, you also get the experience of the implementation of this production project at your disposal immediately after you conclude a contract and pay an initial lump-sum payment. When manufacturing and franchising cake, you need to pay special attention, since this is the main type of your product.

In addition to sweets, you can also sell brownies - it all depends on what agreements are provided with the franchise. Operate methodically, serving clients at a high level of professionalism, because each of the consumers who come to you can be a mystery shopper. A mystery shopper is a person who, on behalf of a brand representative, comes to you and checks the implementation of the business strategy on the spot. The condition of serving each consumer as if he were a mystery shopper will become the criterion of success. Work with a cake or pie franchise and grow your budget to ensure your customers a high standard of quality.

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