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Franchise. Dining room. Cheringov

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firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 5500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 10 %
timePayback. Number of months: 3
firstCategory: Dining room
DC Daily is an organization owned by Delivery Club.ru. Delivery Club, in turn, is the best player in the food delivery market in the Russian Federation. Today, more than 450 restaurants are connected to this chain, and they serve more than 20,000 consumers in total during the working day. There is also a mobile application under the “Delivery Club” brand, which provides the user with the ability to access the service, which provides an opportunity to receive more than 72% of all incoming applications. This share is constantly increasing, and over the past three years, the growth amounted to an increase of 27 times. In 2019, the service for finding new "Delivery Club" unites more than 12,000 full-fledged establishments, moreover, they cover almost any price segment, and this network operates in the Russian Federation in more than 120 settlements.
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article Franchise. Dining room


A canteen franchise is a potentially profitable yet risky business venture. To implement it effectively, it is necessary to fully and adequately study the regional characteristics, as well as to conduct a successful competitive analysis. Almost every entrepreneur can engage in a franchise, regardless of what kind of activity he carries out. The main thing is to find a suitable type of activity, and also to assess those regional features with which you have to interact. The legislation also needs to be well-known if you are interacting with a canteen franchise. It is also worth taking into account the fact that when implementing a franchise, you need to pay a certain set of contributions.

This money is transferred on a non-refundable basis to the franchisor's account. For example, if you open a canteen on a franchise, then you need to immediately, already at the start stage, deduct a lump-sum contribution. This is the so-called big chunk if literally translated from German. It can be seen as a payment for being able to operate a dining franchise. Apply all the knowledge gained from the franchisor and become the most successful and competitive businessman in your local market. You will immediately have a significant advantage in the fight against competitors simply because you have a well-known brand at your disposal. Under his patronage, you able to carry out your activities and attract more customers than if you opened an unknown cafeteria.

The franchise will surely pay off.

Working with a canteen franchise isn't anything special about it. You just need to follow the regulations. First, your people are forced to adhere to a dress code, staff must be dressed in accordance with the franchisor's instructions. In addition, the appearance of food that you offer under a dining franchise must meet this standard that the franchisor prescribes. But this does not limit the list of necessities prescribed in the contract. The dining room franchise should also correspond to the unique original in appearance.

This means the internal and external canteen design must be carried out under the information that you receive at the conclusion of the contract. You receive all the necessary information of a comprehensive order and a whole list of various benefits, using which you can fruitfully implement a canteen franchise.

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