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Franchise. Rent. Suriname

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firstAn initial fee: 5000 $
moneyInvestment required: 50000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 10 %
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Rent
Description of the franchise by the franchisor: Yamoto Samokato LLC is a young team of entrepreneurs and IT-developers. While traveling around the world, we could not help but notice how the modern world, its cities and transport infrastructure are changing. Quite unexpectedly, first mopeds and "mokiki", compact folding scooters in abundance, and then electric bicycles, and finally - ELECTRIC SCOOTERS burst into our lives. The business of Sharing (sharing) of personal electric transport has already become a part of the urban landscapes of European cities, and sooner or later, it will leak to us, no matter how we treat it ... the market, receiving its dividends from every trip. However, as it turned out, buying 50 scooters and charging them is not enough to start an effective business. And we felt this on ourselves ...
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PaulMarie Apartments & Travel

PaulMarie Apartments & Travel

firstAn initial fee: 60000 $
moneyInvestment required: 0 $
royaltyRoyalty: 50 $
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Rent
Description of the franchise by the franchisor: A network of apartments known under the PaulMarie Apartments & Travel brand since 1 apartment in 2014 thanks to: Personal experience A well-built marketing system and standards Successful automation of business processes A truly human attitude towards each guest Competent brand promotion by 2019 has : 60 apartments in 7 cities of Belarus (Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Mogilev, Bobruisk and Soligorsk) 2 offices and more than 40 employees More than 108 thousand grateful guests More than 827 agreements with Belarusian and foreign partners
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9 Nights

9 Nights

firstAn initial fee: 5000 $
moneyInvestment required: 7500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 100 $
timePayback. Number of months: 5
firstCategory: Rent
The 9 Nights apartment chain is a franchise from the leader of short-term rentals on Booking.com. 9 Nights is an apartment chain founded in 2012. One of the leaders in the short-term rental market in Russia. We manage more than 100 apartments in 13 cities of Russia. Average rating on Booking.com - 8-9 points, more than 1000 positive reviews. Constant workload up to 90% from the first month. An up-to-date hotel format preferred by corporate clients. Centralized promotion on booking services Booking.com, Arbnb, Ostrovok and others. Net profit up to 400 thousand rubles per month. Description of the franchise of the network of apartments "9 Nights" The network of apartments "9 Nights" was founded in 2012 in the city of Petrozavodsk. Today it is one of the leading companies in the short-term rental market in Russia, which manages more than 100 comfortable apartments presented in 13 cities of Russia. Achievements: Served over 40,000 guests. Average rating on Booking.com 8 - 9 points.
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MTS Cashier

MTS Cashier

firstAn initial fee: 3500 $
moneyInvestment required: 3500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Checkout, Rent
About the company The Cloud Retail company has been developing software for the retail sector since 2010. Many small and medium-sized retailers still have not automated their business and need simple and effective solutions. For these purposes, our company has developed a special cloud service LiteBox, which includes both a cash register and a goods accounting system. This IT solution allows you to monitor the activities of your retail outlet online and is suitable for stores of different formats - from a small kiosk to a large boutique in a shopping center. Our Mission: We want to help small and medium-sized retailers make their operations simple and transparent through the use of effective business automation tools. Our goals: Development of IT solutions that allow achieving a high level of automation and financial stability of the business; Implementation of cloud technologies and innovative tools in the retail sector.
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firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 315 $
royaltyRoyalty: 25 %
timePayback. Number of months: 3
firstCategory: Rent, Rental
Application of the terminal installation for renting power banks. This function is suitable for various public places (restaurants, cinemas, theaters, gyms, shopping malls, fast food outlets, hotels, etc.). Why do you need terminals with power banks at all: Availability for charging a smartphone is one of the main principles of work and customer loyalty. The problem is that not all establishments have such an option available. Based on research repentance from LG: 9 out of 10 phones have problems, people are afraid that the smartphone might run out and during the battery charging phase 86% recharge the phone 1-3 times a day, 33% may skip classes and fitness due to lack of mobility, waiting fully charged. Based on statistics, 22% of users specifically go to a restaurant or bar to charge their gadget, while ordering something.
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article Franchise. Rentals


Franchise rent is a proposal for cooperation in various areas of temporary use of the real estate, cars, equipment, clothing, props, and so on. A rent is characterized by long-term or short-term use of the leased object. You can rent real estate, cars, tools, electronics, props, clothes, in general, anything, the main thing is consumer needs. Opening your store is very costly: you need investments in goods, in the acquisition of store premises, utility costs, hiring subordinates. At the same time, if you do not choose the right store place, things may not go very well, besides, you need to constantly invest in marketing, spin up your business from scratch. With the franchise rent, things are a little different.

The franchisor assumes part of your expenses and assists in promoting the store. Since the franchisor has extensive experience in business management, the provided business plan will be a success. In return, he receives a lump-sum fee and monthly royalties. Rent franchise can be subdivided according to certain characteristics: financing, terms of cooperation, payback, and others. Why having a rental franchise become so popular? This is due mainly to the modern way of life of people. Modern man seeks to try a lot, to see the world, to master different professions. To do this, he needs a lot of resources, but even if they are, not everyone likes to accumulate property.

Hence, renting is gaining great popularity. How to make a renting business? First of all, you need to decide on the field of activity. So which should you choose? Rent of cars, apartments, props, tools? Whatever you choose, you most likely need to immerse yourself in this activity with your head, study the subtleties and success, the shortcomings of your potential competitors. Let's take a look at the example of special rent franchise equipment. What the franchisor can offer? The essence of the franchise is in the provision of construction and rent road equipment. The motto of the company is ‘affordable prices, short terms’. The client receives equipment at relatively affordable prices, quickly, and in good condition.

In this case, the equipment is provided by a driver who has licenses and works permits. It is expected that clients will be: various organizations (including government), utilities, possibly private individuals (for small jobs), etc. When buying a franchise, the franchisor undertakes to develop and provide starting a business from scratch algorithms, as well as help to promote it. Furthermore, you are regularly provided with training to improve the management skills of such an organization, to refine its structure. Among the franchise services you receive: full consultations, a manager who oversees the growth and development of the enterprise, business plan, marketing solutions to promote services and company image, assistance in the recruitment and certification of personnel, corporate presentation of the enterprise (brand, style), support from the legal service, training related to the sale of services, increasing customer retention techniques, internal management of subordinates. Why is it best to work on a franchise? Quick start in work due to someone else's successful experience. There are no risks of non-demand and bankruptcy.

The minimum investment is not necessary to purchase the goods, it is provided by the franchisor. Some franchisors do not provide monthly payments (royalties). Marketing support and more. The advantages and disadvantages of cooperation directly depend on the terms of the contract. Thus, when concluding a contract, it is worth spending a lot of time to exclude as much as possible uncomfortable moments of cooperation. In this case, it is best to pay attention to the wording of the clauses in the contract. The terms and conditions in the contract should be written clearly, without generalizations.

A business franchise is convenient because you invest less, but you undertake to fulfill the conditions set by the company by the franchisor. It is important to conclude a contract with a trusted franchisor. There are times when, by paying a lump-sum fee, the buyer did not receive a ready-made business, but only a page on the Internet and blurred communications. To avoid this, check your partner. How to do it? In open sources, reputation speaks for itself. Feel free to ask for copies of licenses and certifications. How do you find suits your preferences franchise? It's very simple, just visit our online catalog.

Here you will find franchise offers in different areas and proportion to the planned investment. We only place trusted franchisors with an excellent reputation abroad and within our country. Take advantage of convenient navigation and make your important choices on the way to success.

article Suriname Franchises


Franchises in Suriname are unique and unusual tourism in the real jungle of national parks, surrounded by rugged waterfalls and deep rivers, with real Indian tribes and the Atlantic Ocean. Suriname tourism franchises are very popular with people who love the ancient culture of the South American contingent, where different cultures intertwine at the same time from British and Dutch to Asian and Indian nations and peoples. Ancient, exotic colonial buildings in the cities of Suriname amaze with their grandeur and amazing beauty. National parks are rich in rainforests and plantations, full of an abundance of diverse wildlife. The franchisees in Suriname show fans of sightseeing travel and recreation, the capital, Paramaribo, which is under the protection of UNESCO, and provide an opportunity to visit Indian villages and former colonial areas. Organizing tourism on Suriname land franchises attracts vacationers with numerous cozy beaches that stretch for tens of kilometers along the oceanic coast of the Atlantic.

The beautiful scenery along the coastline and the strong winds blowing from the ocean create the perfect surfing for even more fun franchises travelers experience to exotic destinations.

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