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Franchise. Psychological services. Lgov

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firstAn initial fee: 2500 $
moneyInvestment required: 0 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 4
firstCategory: Psychological services
A psychological center called "Self" provides an opportunity to implement a franchise, and we will provide you with a completely finished project for implementing a business from scratch. We will guide you from the beginning of a business project to the moment when you have a queue, which will consist of those wishing to use your services. The psychological office can receive income of up to 150,000 Russian rubles per month. This is a socially responsible entrepreneurial activity that is aimed at developing small consumers, we work with children, in addition, we also interact with adolescents and adults, helping them to grow personally. The advantages that you get by implementing a franchise called "Self": firstly, you get a ready-made formula for the business to quickly develop after a quick start.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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Psy Group

Psy Group

firstAn initial fee: 900 $
moneyInvestment required: 0 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 0
firstCategory: Psychological services
A brand from Sweden called "Psy Group" is an international brand with an excellent reputation. If you purchase a franchise, you can carry out psychological practice in the status of our autonomous unit. You will be a representative of the psychological association "Psy Group". With each of our franchisees, we conclude a document of title for a commercial concession. This is an agreement on the right to implement franchising on our behalf, it fixes all the conditions under which we will carry out joint activities, and lists the rights and obligations of both parties. This is a document of title registering our mutual obligation. You, as our franchisee, receive a certificate. It confirms the fact of acquiring a franchise in our organization, information about the conclusion of the transaction is entered into the register of our organization. Psy Group is an international brand. As its representative, you independently carry out office management: you yourself work
City franchise
City franchise

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article Franchise. Psychological services


The psychological services franchise is currently in large-scale demand, with a large number of people willing to find their niche in the existing business option. Franchises for psychological services have their degree of need since by choosing a manufacturer, at the initial stage they will help you get used to getting the main nuances of work. A franchise with psychological services is much easier to apply, given the difficult stages of the economic situation in the world, since many individuals require constant assistance. It should be noted that the cost of the chosen franchise is a separate issue since the manufacturer's trademark will be considered, being the company's business card. On a special platform, you will see a list of manufacturers, among which you can choose an owner suitable for all criteria. With the transition to the stage of the partnership, you should immediately negotiate with the supplier of the finished idea in all the nuances, who will be able to correctly and quickly help with advice.

You have made the most correct choice in terms of purchasing a franchise for psychological services, developing which, you will get the desired quick result.

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