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Franchise. Driving school. Kamyshlov

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Smart Driving School

Smart Driving School

firstAn initial fee: 4400 $
moneyInvestment required: 8800 $
royaltyRoyalty: 5 %
timePayback. Number of months: 9
firstCategory: Driving school
The brand called Smart Driving School is a digital format, the author's method is used, thus preparation for the exam is carried out, and in the traffic police. At the same time, we have an integration that allows you to effectively interact with a mobile application, there is a whole platform, it is called "learn traffic rules". In addition, we provide an opportunity to take lessons and learn to drive, and the activities within our organization are carried out exclusively by professional specialists, competent employees who will definitely not harm. Moreover, this can be done on the territory of any area of the settlement, on the territory of other cities. We are looking for partners in other cities, as there is an opportunity to make money with us. We will help, provide the necessary experience, you will be able to effectively implement office operations.
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RED Driving School

RED Driving School

firstAn initial fee: 5000 $
moneyInvestment required: 5000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Driving school
Launch our franchise and get a complete turnkey business model for an automotive school that provides consumers with an opportunity to learn the art of driving. For 10 years we have been carrying out our business activities, we are successful in this, we have a network of automobile schools belonging to the organization on the territory of a large number of settlements of the Russian Federation. We mainly work on the territory of the Rostov region, in addition, we have at our disposal a fully registered trademark, full support, marketing, methodological, it is very convenient and practical, therefore, you should not neglect the opportunity to implement a project with our help. We provide you with a franchise, therefore, you need to implement it as efficiently as possible.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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firstAn initial fee: 6900 $
moneyInvestment required: 6800 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Driving school
Why is it necessary to make a choice in favor of the Federal Driving Academy? Firstly, it is a well-known brand, it will provide advantages in confrontation with your rivals. In addition, there are still a huge number of advantages that distinguish our project from other proposals for the implementation of franchising. Most of the competitors interact with marketing from the Soviet Union. Very low level of market development, 90% of participants are lagging behind. This makes it possible to quickly take a leading position due to the fact that you will have a high level of professionalism. Marketing is constantly evolving, which was relevant yesterday, today it may already partially lose its relevance, or even go out of fashion and become an outdated tool. Therefore, you need to constantly develop, you will be able to carry out advanced development. This will provide you with a competitive edge. You will follow our method and you will see great results.
City franchise
City franchise
For small towns, small settlements, small town
For small towns, small settlements, small town

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firstAn initial fee: 2500 $
moneyInvestment required: 3500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 5 %
timePayback. Number of months: 3
firstCategory: Driving school
Automotive school called "Avtotrener" provides an opportunity to implement a franchise based on the templates of a successful business project. Moreover, you can start working right now and the profit will be in your pocket the very next day. You do not need to obtain a license, in addition, there is no need to spend money and time on renting a suitable premises, you do not even need to rent an autodrome, all this is not needed. Our network operates at the federal level, we operate under the Avtotrener brand. We have created a unique training format that is carried out online, while using 3D graphics. The product costs more than 50 million Russian rubles, this is its value. The business scheme of our partner is as follows: you can become an original distributor of the Avtotrener organization in the locality that you choose yourself; it is necessary to carry out negotiations with the automobile schools already existing on the territory of the settlement.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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firstAn initial fee: 15500 $
moneyInvestment required: 140000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 5 %
timePayback. Number of months: 16
firstCategory: Driving school, Courses, School
We have already thought of everything for you, you just need to take advantage of the already existing advantages. As part of our franchise, you receive a fully developed business model. There is a personal manager for your ongoing support. He will provide individual assistance. All partners at any stage of work receive full support from our organization. The sales team also works for the good of your organization by providing you with clients. You will be able to carry out marketing activities with the help of our organization, thereby attracting consumers. We are engaged in lead generation, you get customers from us, this is a centralized process. You will be able to work according to ready-made, fully worked out standards. You will receive an introductory training format. In addition, the provision of opportunities to improve qualifications will be provided on an ongoing basis.
City franchise
City franchise
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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article Franchise. Driving school


A driving school franchise is a potentially profitable project that must be implemented with attention to various details. If you decide to start a driving school, then the franchise must be chosen in accordance with your preferences and needs. It is profitable to engage in a franchise simply because you get, in addition to a well-known and well-known brand, a whole set of various business plans, know-how, and technologies. And all this can be used in order to gain a significant advantage in the competitive struggle. The driving school needs to be promoted so that none of the competitors simply could oppose you in the struggle for the customer's preferences. A franchise is just one of the elements of success since you are implementing a business project, guided by the information received.

All the information about mistakes and other information will help you decide how to proceed in order to provide a competitive advantage. You’ll be able to work with a variety of reports and study them to make correct management decisions. Based on the information received, it will always be possible to understand what happened to the business and how to improve it in order to increase the revenue stream in favor of the budget.

A driving school franchise is for a business project, starting in which you won’t have to make any mistakes if you are guided by a business plan provided in advance. Work with graphs and charts, studying management information in a visual form. This can help you make the right management decision and be guided by it in the implementation of further activities. The franchise is acquired in order to build your own business based on technologies and advanced solutions that are used by a foreign company. In addition, by purchasing a driving school franchise, you are relieved of the need to promote a brand from scratch. Of course, you will have to draw up a business plan yourself, however, for this, you will be provided with a whole set of various documents.

They will help you understand how to most effectively implement a driving school franchise. Of course, all the benefits that you get by implementing your activities in coordination with the franchisor cost money. When carrying out activities related to a driving school franchise, you will need to make certain deductions to the franchisor. These contributions are made monthly, which is common practice. The first is royalties, which is 2 to 6% of monthly income. The second installment in the implementation of a driving school franchise is the so-called payment for advertising activities.

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