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Franchise. FLOORS

Franchise. FLOORS

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 9500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 4 %
timePayback. Number of months: 15
calendarRequired: Franchisee
homeNumber of own divisions: 1
homeNumber of franchised units: 174
calendarYear of foundation of the company: 2000
calendarYear of the start of franchising activities: 2012
firstCategory: The property, Real estate agency

City franchise
City franchise
Business franchises
Business franchises

What do you get by implementing a business project.

You can count on effective IT support — we provide a system called Client Relationship Management (CRM). It allows you to interact with consumers, control office work. You will receive a website from us — it will be decorated in a corporate style, you will also receive BI and much, much more. We have carried out the automation of office work in such a way that we surpassed all competitors. This gives you a unique opportunity to fully concentrate on your business, not to be distracted by routine — you only need to work using effective tools. We have created our own HR management ecosystem. You will use our help, forming an effective team already at the start of the project. You will hire according to our templates, adapt with the help of our instructors, develop, ensuring full expansion at every stage.

Training will be carried out by our specialists, and we will provide training for employees free of charge. You will be exploiting the vast array of high-end technology we provide you. Our franchise network has a huge number of partners. They influence the development of our organization, we listen to their opinion, always analyze the feedback, it is important for us what our partners think of us. We have a strong marketing record, which is very convenient. You can dominate the market.

Powerful digital technologies and classic marketing are our strengths. You can declare yourself and at the start of implementation already become number one, using our high-class brand, know-how, technologies. All this is applicable on the territory of any settlement. There is support for as many as 13 full-fledged and professionally equipped departments. Our distributors have the opportunity to receive one hundred percent expertise — access is provided, the parent company fully shares its know-how, we are not hiding anything, you act as a full-fledged partner. Each of these departments will provide you with a personal curator. It can provide you with the ability to carry out business operations in full synchronization with our organization, 13 departments available. You will receive advice from a personal manager. Also, you will be able to serve consumers in accordance with our technologies.

Our franchisees have a personal account, there is also a manager who carries out the launch and maintenance. The highest level business consultants will interact with our distributors. We are constantly teaching you, we have something new all the time. We are developing an effective training portal for 22,000 hours of full-fledged training, a variety of courses, both for rank-and-file employees and for managers — even sales managers will find something to learn for themselves. Of course, the director and top management will have unlimited access. Each of the employees interacts with exactly the information that suits him. Even at the start-up stage, you will already have a startup assistant from our organization. Also, free support for three months, you get your consultation at every stage, there are a lot of managers, this is very profitable.

At every stage, you get help, more than a hundred fully spelled out processes for doing business, and this is only at the start-up stage. Along the way, we will share new products, launch promotions. We have a very strong product line and this is a competitive advantage. We are confident that with proper adherence to the regulations, you will receive all the benefits that we will provide you. This will enable you to reach a huge number of consumers, people will love your organization. Clients will reach out and bring money, you will make a profit, and this is beneficial to both parties to the transaction.


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