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Franchise. USU - Universal Accounting System

Franchise. USU - Universal Accounting System

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 0 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 1
calendarRequired: Representative
homeNumber of own divisions: 1
homeNumber of franchised units: 19
calendarYear of foundation of the company: 2010
calendarYear of the start of franchising activities: 2019
firstCategory: Programs, Accounting, It business, It company, It sphere, IT technology, It, Programming, Applications

Women's franchise
Women's franchise
Male franchises
Male franchises
Family franchises
Family franchises
City franchise
City franchise
For small towns, small settlements, small town
For small towns, small settlements, small town
Small business
Small business
Home franchise. You can work from home
Home franchise. You can work from home
Virtual franchise
Virtual franchise
Business franchises
Business franchises
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises
Profitable, most profitable franchises
Profitable, most profitable franchises
Shops with cheap goods
Shops with cheap goods
Online franchise, online store
Online franchise, online store
Franchise from scratch
Franchise from scratch
Free franchise
Free franchise
Ready business
Ready business

Programs for any type of business.

It is impossible for a business without software to control the work of an enterprise and all its spheres of activity. Every day such a company incurs huge losses because it cannot analyze its weaknesses and improve them. The weak link can be anything:

an unpopular item that the organization continues to purchase for sale;

a service that does not bring the expected profit due to bad advertising;

employees of the enterprise, whose work efficiency is not good enough;

and much more.

Become our representative in your country or city and earn on the most solvent segment - on business!

You can start working with us from absolute zero and invest only effort.

Or you can invest a little money to get the opportunity to earn even more.

Do you want to become our partner in your country or city?

Write to us and we will consider your proposal.

What will you be selling?

Automation software for almost any type of business. We have over 100 types of products. It is also possible to develop the required program to order.

How will you make money?

You will earn: By selling licenses for each user. On hours of technical support On individual modifications of the program.

Do I need a down payment to become a partner?

No. There is no lump sum payment!

How much will you earn?

50% off each order!

How much money will you need to invest?

You will need to invest very little money - on the printing of advertising brochures to distribute them to different organizations, so that people learn about our programs for business automation. You can even print flyers on your own printer if printing services seem expensive at first.

Will you need a room?

No. You can even work from home!

What will you need to do?

To successfully sell software you will need to: Distribute advertising brochures. Answer calls from interested potential customers. Transfer the names and phone numbers of callers to the head office so that your money does not disappear if the client decides to buy the program not immediately, but after some time. If the client wants, then he will need to go to him with his laptop for a presentation. Our programmers will show you the program you need in advance. And there is also an introductory video for each software. Accept payment from the client. It will also be possible to conclude a contract with the client, if desired, the template of which we will provide you with.

Do you need to be a programmer?

No. You don't have to be a programmer.

Is it possible for the client to install the purchased program himself?

Sure. You can work: In easy mode: when we carry out the installation and training ourselves remotely from the head office. And also you can install the program yourself when the client wants you to be present, or if the client does not understand Russian and English. With this expanded type of work, you can earn extra money on support hours.

How will potential clients know about you?

You will first need to print and distribute promotional brochures. We will publish your phone numbers on all our sites with an indication of a specific country or city. You can also use any other advertising methods at your own expense. In addition, over time, you can open a separate website for our products in your native language.

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Franchise. USU - Universal Accounting System. Video presentation

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