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Franchise catalog. Page # 137

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Three pans

Three pans

firstAn initial fee: 6000 $
moneyInvestment required: 10500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 3
firstCategory: Pancakes, Pancake
The advantage of the institution, which is called "Three Frying Pans": our organization has a high-class and already formed experience, which makes it possible to dominate the market that deals with public catering. We have already built a network that is in good demand, is actively developing, and we also enjoy the confidence of consumers; get a personal assistant at your disposal, he will always help you and will accompany you on an ongoing basis in your activities; automate business processes, manage employees, control office operations; you will be able to significantly reduce risks, practically annihilate them, as you will effectively work out the development model of your project; you will be able to get help from us in the implementation of search activities for the selection of employees, as well as for their adaptation; we provide you with a cool scheme to attract consumers, also keep them on a long-term basis for ongoing collaboration;
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firstAn initial fee: 1200 $
moneyInvestment required: 1400 $
royaltyRoyalty: 4 %
timePayback. Number of months: 8
firstCategory: Pancakes, Pancake
The Teremok brand is an organization that sells normal food. We are not working in a fast food format. Teremok is a fast-casual restaurant chain, while we sell Russian cuisine. We have been working since 1998, while we constantly manage to delight our customers, because we cook truly homemade dishes. They are made using delicious and fresh products, focusing on dishes from the Russian national tradition. The principles of our organization are as follows. We cook only from natural raw materials. The preparation of products is carried out only with the help of raw materials that we ourselves purchase, we check their freshness and compliance with the standards of a natural product. We do not operate substitutes, we do not use any product analogues. We knead the dough only on natural cream, we have excluded the use of vegetable fats.
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In-demand franchises

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Ketchup burgers

Ketchup burgers

firstAn initial fee: 8800 $
moneyInvestment required: 211500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 6 %
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Burger, Fast food, Burger club, Fast food, Fast food cafe, Fast food restaurant, Street food
The KETCH UP brand is a restaurant complex designed for visitors who have talents, have youth, strive for success and develop dynamically. This is a specialized restaurant that is popular in big cities, metropolitan areas and metropolitan areas. You can meet with business partners within our restaurant, and you can also meet with your friends and enjoy a noisy company, have a nice time with your family, come for lunch or arrange a delicious lunch on the territory of our institution. It all started in 2014, on the territory of the city of St. Petersburg, when we opened our first establishment and began the path to success. Our brand chef, whose name is Vladimir Pavlov, he was also a TV presenter in the framework of the show called "Hell's Kitchen", creates our branded burgers, in addition, he is a representative of the TV channel under the brand name "Food".
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firstAn initial fee: 8800 $
moneyInvestment required: 15500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 8
firstCategory: Bread
Disfood Seleccion is a brand that hides behind itself a food organization that focuses on products that are made from flour, for example: traditional bread, specialty baked goods, a variety of pastries, both sweet and savory. Under the guidance of experienced employees, our young and dynamic comrades learn from the work experience, constantly improving the office operations, which allows us to enter and occupy leading market niches, receiving benefits from it. In addition, we constantly carry out marketing and other research, specialize in the creation of innovative technologies that allow us to constantly increase the share of our presence in the Russian Federation, as well as in the European community.
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In-demand franchises

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In the town

In the town

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 1200 $
royaltyRoyalty: 15 %
timePayback. Number of months: 2
firstCategory: Service
A brand called "In the city" offers you a franchise that allows you to implement sales activities for an application that is relevant for all cities of the Russian Federation, it allows you to unite the entire settlement within a convenient service and gives you the opportunity to solve various tasks throughout the day and gives also a chance to interact with the problem in an effective way. Within the framework of this software, you will receive high-quality functionality that allows you to interact with stores, purchase services and goods, and also using the application you can receive a variety of news that relate to simple information, as well as administrative relations, in addition, within the framework of this application, people can implement the creation of your ads and post them for viewing, you can still see what schedule public transport runs on.
In-demand franchises
In-demand franchises

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