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Franchise catalog. Page # 8

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Red food worker

Red food worker

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 6000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Shop for confectioners, Retail store, Shop for confectioners and bakers, Supermarket
OJSC Krasny Pischevik is a modern confectionery enterprise of the Republic of Belarus, with its own tradition and rich history. For many years, the company's products have been pleasing both adults and the smallest customers. The company specializes in the production of pastille-marmalade products (marshmallow, marmalade, “chewing” marmalade), sunflower and peanut halva, toffee, dragee, sweets. The assortment list includes more than 140 species. The production capacity allows us to produce more than 21 thousand tons of confectionery products per year. All products are manufactured according to classical technologies using natural raw materials, therefore they have unique taste, nutritional and biological value. The recipes for confectionery products include components that increase the resistance of the human body to unfavorable environmental factors. Everyone can choose a delicacy to taste, in a beautiful package or by weight. But the high quality of the products has been and remains unchanged.
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firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 12000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 10
firstCategory: Confectionery, Retail store, Bakery-confectionery, Candy store, Cafe-confectionery, Supermarket
Joint Open Joint Stock Company "Kommunarka" has the honor to offer you a unique opportunity to open and successfully operate retail outlets on a franchise basis. Working on the Kommunarka franchise allows you to organize a business project under a well-known brand with a century of history, using the system and support of the largest confectionery manufacturer. Kommunarka OJSC is one of the leaders in the confectionery market in the Republic of Belarus. The quality of confectionery products under the brand name "Kommunarka" is appreciated not only in Belarus, but also abroad. The company supplies products to Russia, USA, Israel, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, Germany, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Arab Emirates.
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firstAn initial fee: 36100 $
moneyInvestment required: 50000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 650 $
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: Sport, Fitness club
Franchise description by the franchisor: FitCurves has made a real revolution in the fitness industry with its innovative business model, non-standard marketing system and, most importantly, performance! In order to stay on the trajectory of powerful growth and ever-increasing influence, the company has refined its concept and offers a comprehensive solution for those who care about their health and beauty. In Belarus, the FitCurves company has become a friendly and active community of women who not only visit fitness clubs and participate in charity projects, but are also carriers of a new culture of a healthy lifestyle. The company's credo: "A healthy family depends on me." This means that by developing a conscious habit of exercising and eating right according to the FitCurves system, women automatically influence their families, friends, acquaintances, employees, teaching them healthy skills and new values. And most importantly, they pass on their knowledge to the younger generation.
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Pizza smile

Pizza smile

firstAn initial fee: 15000 $
moneyInvestment required: 100000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 4 %
timePayback. Number of months: 18
firstCategory: Food, Pizza, Pizzeria, Pizza factory, Pizza delivery
Franchise description by the franchisor: Pizza Smile is a restaurant of the most modern and unique format. Pizza Smile The Pizza Smile network of pizzerias has been pleasing the residents of Belarus for more than 6 years with its delicious dishes, cozy interior, fast service and attentive staff who knows how to create a comfortable environment for each Guest. The choice of food and drinks attracts with its variety and reasonable prices. In the pizzeria you can taste delicious pizza and pasta prepared in the best Italian traditions. For lovers of European cuisine, there is a wide selection of appetizers, soups, hot grilled meat, poultry and fish dishes. Also, all establishments of the chain prepare dishes of traditional Japanese cuisine and delicious and hearty business lunches. Pizza Smile By opening the Pizza Smile pizzeria, you get: The right to use the registered trademark Pizza Smile; Organization of activities under a brand that has won high loyalty among Belarusian consumers;
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firstAn initial fee: 400 $
moneyInvestment required: 7000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: Confectionery, Retail store, Bakery-confectionery, Candy store, Cafe-confectionery, Supermarket
Description of the franchise by the franchisor: The confectionery company "Lodiss" LLC is a large Belarusian manufacturer of a wide range of confectionery products, occupying a leading position in this area. The company regularly takes part in the largest food and confectionery exhibitions. The Lodiss brand is appreciated not only by customers, but also by professional experts. The main advantage of the company is the use of only natural ingredients. All confectionery products comply with international food standards. Only advanced European technologies and innovative equipment are used in production. The company offers a wide range of more than 100 confectionery products, allowing everyone to choose sweets according to their taste: oatmeal cookies, both with and without additives; various types of gingerbread, including custard gingerbread with a variety of delicious and natural fillings; oriental sweets;
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