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Franchise catalog. Page # 90

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firstAn initial fee: 3000 $
moneyInvestment required: 11000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 3 %
timePayback. Number of months: 12
firstCategory: coffee house, Self-service coffee shop, Coffee to go
Information about the organization The RealCoF brand is a chain of coffee shops that operate in an automated mode. We carry out activities in the format of coffee "to go", while we sell only takeaway product, using exclusively natural products. We purchase and use coffee beans. Description of franchising activities under the RealCoF brand We sell coffee on a round-the-clock basis in an automated manner. Our network under the RealCoF brand works efficiently, uses only high-quality raw materials. We carry out the production of our own pavilions. We developed them using an original design, while coffee shops are opened in all locations where there is appropriate access. We have no competitive counterparts in the market, we are a unique brand that operates in the coffee to go segment. The main criterion for our success is the fact that we do everything professionally and competently, we maximize the level of qualifications.
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Credit Lawyer

Credit Lawyer

firstAn initial fee: 2500 $
moneyInvestment required: 0 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 7
firstCategory: Legal services, Law Firm
Information about the organization. An organization called "Credit Lawyer" provides services to people who are in a difficult situation and are unable to repay the loan. We will provide them with the opportunity to terminate the contract, get rid of the loan, in addition, our legal services extend to assistance in bankruptcy, we specialize in interaction with individuals. We do the following: we help people who are in significant financial difficulties, we give the opportunity to start life anew, completely getting rid of the need to constantly endure difficulties. We carry out our activities exclusively within the framework of the law. We do not negotiate with collectors, we do not refinance those people who are in a difficult situation with debt. We give the opportunity to remove the very first cause, which is the source of the problem, the credit debt is written off with our help.
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Real estate agency

Real estate agency "Vladis"

firstAn initial fee: 3500 $
moneyInvestment required: 0 $
royaltyRoyalty: 3 %
timePayback. Number of months: 6
firstCategory: The property, Real estate agency
The franchise of the organization for interaction with real estate "Vladis" is a whole network for those who always want to be one step ahead, for those who are in the lead on a permanent basis. The Vladis franchise provides you with the opportunity to organize your own agency, you will use an already promoted successful brand, moreover, its success is confirmed by the titles of Sberbank, in addition, we are winners of the Russian Guild of Realtors award, we received an award called CREDO. If you invest money, it will pay off in about six months of active work, moreover, you will receive effective support from us, we will help automate business processes, provide resources in order to achieve success. We use the smart marketing trick, within its framework you get a guaranteed increase in customers, moreover, by ten or fifteen percent within a month, until you gain the required volume.
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Fast and shine

Fast and shine

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 4000 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 4
firstCategory: Car wash, Washing, Self-service car wash
The Fast and Shine brand provides an opportunity to sell a car wash as part of a franchise, while it will be possible to use specialized detergents, moreover, you can wash the car where it stands, it is very profitable. The company has opened its representative offices on the territory of the Commonwealth of Independent States, on the territory of the People's Republic of China, in Israel, on the territory of Serbia and in the United Arab Emirates. With the franchise, it will provide the following benefits: it will be possible to use the Fast and Shine brand in full and carry out its activities in full compliance with the regulations. You will receive a high-quality Soft, it will provide the ability to administer production processes and control the washing processes. In addition, our software provides the ability to control cash flows. Cash flows will be reliably monitored, in addition, you can use the mystery shopping function.
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Washing Max

Washing Max

firstAn initial fee: 0 $
moneyInvestment required: 15500 $
royaltyRoyalty: 0 $
timePayback. Number of months: 7
firstCategory: Car wash, Washing, Self-service car wash
The Moika Max brand is the first network of car washes at the federal level operating in the Russian Federation. We have a conscientious approach to business and professionally carry out office work. This enabled the Moika Max brand to acquire good reputation parameters. We are known as an organization that works on an innovative system, provides its classy service. We have won the trust of consumers, we have good indicators of the influx of customers throughout the Russian Federation. The benefits of our federal franchise network are as follows. For example, if you cooperate with a franchise under the Moika Max brand, you can have a high level of efficiency in conducting a business project. We will provide you with this opportunity. You will be using our high-quality brand, which is not only time-tested, but also has a high level of popularity. You will be able to recoup your investment within 7 months or a maximum of 1 year.
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In-demand franchises

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